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PCGS, NGC or other (ahem!)Slabbing for new 2009 high relief coin

Since the new 2009 high relief coin is thicker. How will PCGS or NGC slab it??

It will have to be a wider case.

I have never seen one but are there original HR coins slabbed and who has a picture??

Ships are safe in harbor but thats not what ships were built for.


  • They'll make it work.

    NGC, if they have to, can put the coin in one of those multiholders; but I doubt it will come to that.
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  • LanLordLanLord Posts: 11,710 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Since the new 2009 high relief coin is thicker. How will PCGS or NGC slab it?? It will have to be a wider case. I have never seen one but are there original HR coins slabbed and who has a picture?? image >>

    Since the 2009 is a smaller diameter it would be even thicker than the original UHR, so even if they've done it before, it may be difficult to do it again.
  • where there is money to be made.... they will find a way image

  • BECOKABECOKA Posts: 16,960 ✭✭✭
    They have both slabbed the original, I don't see why the new one won't fit.

    Now the question should be will they be able to use the edge view.
  • RWBRWB Posts: 8,082
    Actually, only NCG has put an original of these in plastic. The only two small diameter, Extremely High Relief MCMVII pieces are in the Smithsonian. NCG donated time and materials to put many of the most vulnerable pieces into protective slabs that SI staff can open.

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