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Roman set sale draft part one, take 2 (made a code tag error on the other and can't edit it)

lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,628 ✭✭✭✭✭
imageAUGUSTUS (Octavian), Augustus 27 BC–14 AD. AE as. Struck by moneyer Marcus Salvius Otho, 7 BC. Obv.- CAESAR AVGVST PONT MAX TRIBVNEC POT, bare head right. Rev.- M SALVIVS OTHO III VIR AAA F F around large S C. RIC-431, Cohen-515, BMC-226. 27.5 mm, 11.4 g. Ex-Incitatus Coins (Canada) 05/2007. Rarity (4/6).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $79.00 + S&H). Current highest offer: none yet.

image Livia, wife of Augustus, mother of Tiberius. Rarity: (6/-). AE as, "JVSTITIA" type. A very low grade but identifiable "filler", with counterstamp on reverse. (A recent acquisition-picture to be added later). Ex-Don Rupp, 08/2008. Ref. Bio. (My cost: $42.50). Current highest offer: none yet.

imageAgrippa, friend of Augustus. AE as struck under Caligula, 37-41 AD. Obv.- M AGRIPPA L F COS III, head left wearing rostral crown. Rev.- S-C, Neptune standing facing, head left, naked except for cloak draped behind him & over both arms, holding small dolphin in right hand & vertical trident in left. Ref.- RIC-58 [Caligula], Cohen-3, BMC-161 [Tiberius], Sear-1812. 28 mm, 12 g. Ex-Nemesis Ancients & Antiquities, 09/2007. Rarity: (5/-).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $40.00 + S&H). Current highest offer: none yet.

imageTIBERIUS, Augustus 14-37 AD. AR Denarius. The "Tribute Penny" of the Bible. Obv.- TI CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVGVST, laureate head right. Rev.- PONTIF MAXIM, Livia as Pax, seated right; plain legs to chair. RIC-26, RSC-16, BMC-34, Sear-1763. Ex-WNC Coins, 09/2007. Rarity (6/6).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $225.00). Current highest offer: none yet.

imageGermanicus, nephew of Tiberius. AE as, struck under Claudius. Obv.- GERMANICVS CAESAR TI AVG F DIVI AVG N, bare head right. Rev.- TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG GERMANI IMP P P around large SC. RIC-106 [Claudius], Cohen-9, BMC-241, Sear-1905. 28.5 mm, 9.2 g. Ex-Ancient Imports, 05/2007. Rarity (4/-).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $87.00 + S&H) Current highest offer: none yet.

image Gaius CALIGULA, Augustus 37-41 AD. AE as. Struck 37-38 AD. Obv.- C CAESAR AVG GERMANICVS PON M TR POT, bare head left. Rev.- VESTA above, S C across field, Vesta seated left, holding patera and sceptre. RIC-38, Cohen-27, BMC-46, Sear-1803. 29 mm, 10.9 g. Ex-Nemesis Ancients & Antiquities Lot 7239, 05/2007. Rarity (5/8).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $220.00 + S&H). Tentatively RESERVED: "S***S", but nothing firm yet.

imageCLAUDIUS, Augustus 41-54 AD. AE as. Obv.- TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG P M TR P IMP P P, bare head left. Rev.- LIBERTAS AVGVSTA S-C, Libertas standing facing with pileus, extending left hand. RIC-113, Cohen-47, BMC-202, Sear-1860. 9.81 g. Ex-Civitas Galleries Lot AC16839, 05/2007. Rarity (3/8).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $175.00 + S&H) Current highest offer: none yet.

imageNERO, Augustus 54-68 AD. AR denarius. Obv.- IMP NERO CAESAR AVGVSTVS, laureate and bearded head of Nero right. Rev.- Salus draped, seated left on throne, holding patera, SALVS in exergue. RIC-67, RSC-258, BMC-83, Sear-1945. Ex-WNC Coins, 04/2007. Rarity (5/6).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $110.00). Current highest offer: none yet.

imageGALBA, Augustus 68-69 AD. AE sestertius. Obv.- IMP SER SVLP GALBA CAES AVG TRP, laureate & draped bust right. Rev.- LIBERTAS PVBLICA S-C, Liberty standing left with pileus & sceptre. RIC-309, Cohen-130. 35-36 mm, 25.8 g. Ex-Rutten & Wieland (Switzerland), 07/2007. Rarity (6/6).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $295.00 + S&H) Tentatively RESERVED: "A***d", but nothing firm yet.

imageOTHO, Augustus 69 AD. AR denarius. Obv.- IMP OTHO CAESAR AVG TR P, bare head right. Rev.- PONT MAX, Ceres standing left holding wheat ears and cornucopia. RIC-20, RSC-11. 3.09 g. Ex-Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. Sale #156, Lot 312, 10/2007. Rarity (-/6).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $585.00, original HJB price $675.00). Current highest offer: none yet.

imageVITELLIUS, Augustus 69 AD. AR denarius. Obv.- A VITELLIVS GERM IMP AVG TR P, laureate head right. Rev.- PONT MAXIM, Vesta seated right, holding scepter and patera. RIC-107, RSC-72, BMC-34, Sear-2200. 19 mm, 3 g. Ex-Incitatus Coins (Canada), 06/2007. Rarity (7/5).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $218.00 + S&H) Tentatively RESERVED: "A***d", but nothing firm yet.

imageVESPASIAN, Augustus 69-79 AD. AR denarius, 70 AD. Obv.- IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG, laureate head right. Rev.- COS ITER TR POT, Pax standing left with branch and caduceus. Speculative first-year portrait only vaguely resembling Vespasian, presumably engraved before he arrived in Rome. RIC-27, RSC-94g. 17 mm, 3.1 g. Ex-Incitatus Coins (Canada), 05/2007. Rarity (5/4).
Ref. Bio (My cost: $34.00 + S&H) Current highest offer: none yet.

imageTITUS, Augustus 79-81 AD. AR denarius. Obv.- IMP TITVS CAES VESPASIAN AVG PM, laureate head right. Rev.- TRP VIIII IMP XV COS VII PP, Capricorn flying left, globe below. RIC-19, RSC-294, BMC-35, Sear-2510. 17 mm, 3 g. Ex-Incitatus Coins (Canada), 05/2007. Rarity (6/5).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $67.00 + S&H). Current highest offer: none yet.

imageDOMITIAN, Augustus 81-96 AD. AR denarius as Caesar. Obv.- CAES AVG F DOMIT COS III, laureate head right. Rev.- PRINCEPS IVVENTVT, Spes standing left with flower & raising skirt. RIC-233 (Vespasian), RSC-375, BMC-156, Sear-2640 19 mm, 3.5 g. Ex-Incitatus Coins (Canada), 05/2007. Rarity (4/3).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $66.00 + S&H) Current highest offer: none yet.

imageNERVA, Augustus 96-98 AD. AE as. Obv.- IMP NERVA CAES AVG P M TR P COS III P P, laureate head right. Rev.- CONCORDIA EXERCITVVM S-C, clasped hands. RIC-79, Cohen-21. 27.8 mm, 12.8 g. Ex-Ancient Imports, 05/2007. Rarity (4/3).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $169.00 + S&H). Current highest offer: none yet.

imageTRAJAN, Augustus 98-117 AD. AR denarius. Obv.- IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P, laureate bust right, draped far shoulder. Rev.- COS V PP SPQR OPTIMO PRINC, Equity standing left with scales & cornucopiae. RIC-118, RSC-85, Sear-3122. Ex-Don Rupp, 04/2007, John C. Greener ca. 1960s-70s. Rarity (3/3). Coin looks washed out in scan- much better in hand.
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $55.00). Current highest offer: none yet.

imageHADRIAN, Augustus 117-138 AD. AR denarius, 118 AD. Obv.- IMP CAESAR TRAIAN HADRIANVS AVG, laureate bust right with drapery on far shoulder. Rev.- P M TR P COS II AET-AVG, Aeternitas standing left, holding heads of Sol and Luna. RIC-48, RSC-129, Sear-3458. Ex-WNC Coins, 05/2007. Rarity (3/3).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $45.00). Current highest offer: none yet.

imageSabina, wife of Hadrian. AR denarius. Obv.- SABINA AVGVSTA, diademed and draped bust right. Rev.- CONCORDIA AVG, Concordia seated left holding patera & scepter, cornucopia beneath the throne. RIC-391, RSC-24. 18 mm, 3.2 g. Ex-Incitatus Coins (Canada), 12/2007. Rarity (7/5).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $89.00 + S&H). Current highest offer: none yet.

imageAelius, Caesar under Hadrian, father of Lucius Verus. AE sestertius. Obv.- L AELIVS CAESAR, bare head right. Rev.- TR POT COS II S-C, Spes walking left, holding flower & raising hem of skirt. RIC-1055, Cohen-56, BMC-1914, Sear-3986. 31-32 mm, 22.75 g. Ex-Rutten & Wieland (Switzerland), 03/2008. Rarity (6/6). Coin is a bit darker brown (and therefore more natural looking) in hand.
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $195.00 + S&H) Current highest offer: none yet.

imageANTONINUS PIUS, Augustus 138-161 AD. AR denarius. Obv.- ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P COS III, bare head right. Rev.- GENIVS POP ROMANI, Genius standing front, head right, with scepter & cornucopiae. Ref.- Ref Antoninus Pius AR Denarius, RIC-70, RSC-405, BMC-207, Sear-4085. Ex- WNC Coins, 04/2007. Rarity (3/3).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $25.00). Current highest offer: none yet.

imageFaustina Senior, wife of Antoninus Pius. AE Sestertius. Obv.- DIVA FAVSTINA, draped bust right. Rev.- S-C, female deity standing left with long torch in right hand and fasces in left, S-C surrounding figure, outer legends missing. Attribution uncertain, but similar to RIC-1116 and other Ceres types, except the fasces replaces the ears of corn and the torch is in the opposite hand. 31.41 mm, 24.5 g. Ex-Ancient Imports, 09/2007. Rarity (4/3). (Upgrade candidate).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $27.00 + S&H) Current highest offer: none yet.

imageMARCUS AURELIUS, Augustus 161-169 AD (with Lucius Verus), 169-177 AD (alone), 177-180 AD (with Commodus). AR denarius as Caesar, 144-145 AD. Obv.- AVRELIVS CAESAR AVG PII F, bare head right. COS (DES) II, Honos standing left holding branch & cornucopiae. RIC-426 [Antoninus Pius], RSC-100, BMC-509, Sear-4782. The attribution seems to fit except the "DES" portion of the legend is not visible (off flan?). Ex-Don Rupp, 05/2007, John C. Greener 10/1970. Rarity (3/3). Bad scan- coin looks far nicer in hand.
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $45.00). TRADE PENDING: "r***y".

imageFaustina Junior, daughter of Antoninus Pius, wife of Marcus Aurelius. AR denarius, 161-164 AD. Obv.- FAVSTINA AVGVSTA, draped bust right. Rev.- CERES, Ceres seated left, holding corn ears and long torch. RIC-669, RSC-35, BMC-79, Sear-5249. 18.1mm, 2.316 g. Ex-FORVM Ancient Coins, Lot 23263, 09/2007. Rarity (4/3).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $28.00 + S&H). Current highest offer: none yet.

imageLUCIUS VERUS, Augustus 161-169 AD (with Marcus Aurelius). AE sestertius, 164 AD. Obv.- L AVREL VERVS AVG ARMENIACVS, laureate head right. Obv.- TR P IIII IMP II COS II S-C, Victory standing right, placing a shield inscribed VIC/AVG in two lines on palm. RIC-1396, Cohen-249. 33.79 mm, 23 g. Ex-Ancient Imports, 05/2007. Rarity (5/4).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $73.00 + S&H). Current highest offer: none yet.

imageLucilla, wife of Lucius Verus, daughter of Marcus Aurelius. AR denarius. Obv.- LVCILLA AVGVSTA, draped bust right, hair in a bun. Rev.- VENVS VICTRIX, Venus standing, head left, holding Victory and resting hand on shield. RIC-786, RSC-89, BMC-353, Sear-5492. Ex-Don Rupp, 10/2007, John C. Greener ca. 1960s-70s. Formerly in an ICG VF30 slab; now raw, but insert included. Rarity (5/5).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $70.00). Tentatively RESERVED: "S***S", but nothing firm yet.

imageCOMMODUS, Augustus 177-180 AD (with Marcus Aurelius), 180-192 AD (alone). AR denarius, 192 AD. Obv.- L AEL AVREL COMM AVG P FEL, laureate head right. Rev.- P M TR P XVII IMP VIII COS VII P P, Fides standing left holding standard & cornucopiae, star in left field. RIC-233, RSC-583-583a, BMC 316-317, Sear-5684. Ex-Don Rupp, 04/2007, John C. Greener ca. 1960s-70s. Rarity (4/3).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $50.00). Current highest offer: none yet.

imageCrispina, wife of Commodus. AE sestertius, 180-183 AD. Obv.- CRISPINA AVG IMP COMMODI AVG, draped bust right. Rev.- SALVS S-C, Salus seated left, feeding serpent coiled around altar from patera held in right hand. Ref.- RIC (Commodus) 672b, Sear-6009. Apparently unlisted on Wildwinds.com, but RIC-672a/Sear-6010 is shown there. This is the type with extended obverse legend including the name of Commodus and a long-necked bust of Crispina. Ex-Incitatus Coins (Canada), 11/2007. Rarity (7/5).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $106.00). Tentatively RESERVED: "S***S", but nothing firm yet.

imageClodius Albinus, usurper, emperor in Britain 193-197 AD. AR denarius (as Caesar under Septimius Severus), ca. 194 AD. Obv.- D CLOD SEPT ALBIN CAES, bare head right. Rev.- MINER PACIF COS II, Minerva standing facing with olive branch, shield & spear. RIC-7, RSC-48, Sear-6144. 18 mm, 3.1g. Ex-Mike Vosper Coins (United Kingdom), 01/2008. (Rarity unlisted in DOC database).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: UK £125.00; US $247.95 at the time, + S&H). Tentatively RESERVED: "B***l", but nothing firm yet.

imageSEPTIMIUS SEVERUS, Augustus 193-197 (contested), 197-198 (alone), 198-209 (with Caracalla). 209-211 (with Caracalla & Geta). AR denarius, 205 AD. Obv.- SEVERVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right. Rev.- P M TR P XIII COS III P P, Annona standing left holding corn ears over a modius & cornucopiae. RIC-200, RSC-476, BMC-489SC, Sear-6338. Ex-WNC Coins, 04/2007. Rarity (6/3).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $50.00). Current highest offer: none yet.

imageJulia Domna, wife of Septimius Severus. AR denarius. IVLIA AVGVSTA, draped bust right / PIETAS PVBLICA, Pietas standing left, raising both hands at altar. RIC-574, RSC-156, BMC-69, Sear-6601. Ex-Gil Menendez, 12/2007. Rarity (6/3).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $24.00). Current highest offer: none yet.

imageCARACALLA, Augustus 198-209 AD (with Septimius Severus), 209-211 AD (with Septimius Severus & Geta), 211 AD (with Geta), 211-217 AD (alone). AR denarius, 215 AD. Obv.- ANTONINVS PIVS AVG GERM, laureate head right. Rev.- P M TR P XVIII COS IIII P P, Pax standing half-left, holding branch and scepter. RIC-268, RSC-314, BMC-147, Sear-6841. Ex-WNC Coins, 05/2007. Rarity (6/3).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $95.00). Tentatively RESERVED: "D***y", but nothing firm yet.

imagePlautilla, wife of Caracalla. AR denarius. Obv.- PLAVTILLA AVGVSTA, draped bust right. Rev.- VENVS VICTRIX, Venus standing left holding apple & palm, leaning on shield, Cupid at her feet. RIC-369, RSC-25, BMC-429, Sear-7074. Ex-Ancient Artifacts & Treasures, 01/2008. Rarity (7/4).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $110.00 + S&H). Tentatively RESERVED: "S***S", but nothing firm yet.

imageGETA, Augustus 209-211 AD (with Septimius Severus & Caracalla), 211 AD (with Caracalla). AR denarius as Caesar, 208 AD. Obv.- P SEPTIMIVS GETA CAES, draped bust right, Rev.- PONTIF COS II, Geta standing left, holding globe (patera?) & short scepter. RIC-61a, RSC-117. Ex-Don Rupp, 05/2007, John C. Greener, 02/1968. Rarity (7/3).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $40.00). Current highest offer: none yet.

imageMACRINUS, Augustus 217-218 AD. Provincial AE25 of Marcianopolis (now Devnya, in Bulgaria), under magistrate Pontianus. Obv.- Greek inscription, laureate cuirassed bust right. Rev.- Greek inscription, eagle standing facing, head right, wreath in beak. Verbanov-864. 25mm, 11.2g. Ex-Incitatus Coins, 05/2007. Rarity (7/5) (Probably inapplicable to provincial coins like this).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $45.00). Current highest offer: none yet.

imageDIADUMENIAN, Augustus 218 AD. AE sestertius as Caesar, 218 AD. Obv.- M OPEL ANTONINVS DIADVMENIANVS CAES, draped & cuirassed bust right. Rev.- SPES PVBLICA S-C, Spes walking left, holding flower & lifting hem of skirt. RIC-219, Cohen-23, BMC-155, Sear-7454. 29 mm. Ex-WNC Coins, 11/2007. Rarity (7/6). Low grade but scarce.
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $85.00). Current highest offer: none yet.

imageELAGABALUS, Augustus 218-222 AD. AR denarius. Obv.- IMP ANTONINVS PIVS AVG, laureate draped bust right. Rev.- P M TRP IIII COS III P P, Victory flying left holding open wreath, star in field left. RIC-45, RSC-195, BMC-251, Sear-7535. 19.04 mm, 2.7 grams. Ex-Ancient Imports, 05/2007. Rarity (6/3).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $67.00 + S&H). Current highest offer: none yet.

imageJulia Soaemias, mother of Elagabalus. AR denarius, 220 AD. Obv.- IVLIA SOAEMIAS AVG, draped bust right. Rev.- VENVS CAELESTIS, Venus seated left, holding scepter, extending her hand to Cupid standing before her. RIC-243, RSC-14, BMC-55, Sear-7720. 19.57 mm, 2.9 g. Ex-Ancient Imports, 09/2007. Rarity (6/4).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $87.00 + S&H). Current highest offer: none yet.

imageJulia Maesa, grandmother of Elagabalus & Severus Alexander. AR denarius, 220-222 AD. Obv.- IVLIA MAESA AVG, draped bust right. Rev.- SAECVLI FELICITAS, Felicitas standing left with long caduceus, sacrificing out of patera over lighted altar, star right. RIC-271, RSC-45, BMC-79, Sear-7757. Gift from Michael Swoveland, 05/2007. Rarity (6/4).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $0.00). Current highest offer: none yet.

imageSEVERUS ALEXANDER, Augustus 222-235 AD. AR denarius, 227 AD. Obv.- IMP C M AVR SEV ALEXAND AVG, laureate draped bust right / P M TR P VI COS II P P, Alexander standing left, sacrificing out of patera over altar. RIC-70, RSC-325. 18.5 mm, 2.252 g. Ex-John Knudsen, 02/2007. Rarity (5/3). Coin looks a little better in hand.
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $19.00). Tentatively RESERVED: "s**s", but nothing firm yet.

imageSEVERUS ALEXANDER, Augustus 222-235 AD. AR denarius. Obv.- IMP C M AVR SEV ALEXAND AVG, laureate draped bust right. Rev.- P M TR P V COS II P P, Mars walking right carrying spear & trophy. RIC-53/RSC-281 or similar. Ex-"rgcollects", eBay, 08/2008. Rarity (5/3). A newly-purchased eBay addition, intended as an upgrade for the coin above.
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $21.25). Current highest offer: none yet. (Coin not yet in hand as of 8/19/08).

imageJulia Mamaea, mother of Severus Alexander. AR denarius. Obv.- IVLIA MAMAEA AVG, diademed & draped bust right. Rev.- VESTA, Vesta standing half-left, holding palladium & scepter. RIC-360, RSC-81, BMC-381, Sear-8217. 20.5 mm, 2.935 g. Ex-FORVM Ancient Coins, Lot 11361, 09/2007. Rarity (6/4).
Ref. Bio (My cost: $40.00). Current highest offer: none yet.

imageMAXIMINUS I, (Maximinus Thrax), Augustus 235-238 AD. AR denarius. Obv.- MAXIMINVS PIVS AVG GERM, laureate bust right. Rev.- VICTORIA GERM, Victory standing right with wreath & palm, captive at feet. RIC-23, RSC-107, BMC-186, Sear-8318. 20.51 mm, 3.7 g. Ex-Ancient Imports, 05/2007. Rarity (4/4).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $77.00 + S&H). Current highest offer: none yet.

imagePUPIENUS, Augustus 238 AD (with Balbinus and nominally with Gordian III, against Maximinus Thrax). AE sestertius, RIC-22b, Cohen-24, BMC-96, Sear-8534. Wildwinds-published plate coin- example #1 at top of page. Ex-eBay, "petronius_ii", 12/2007, ex-Old Roman Coins (ORC) previously. Rarity (6/6).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $337.00). Tentatively RESERVED: "B***l", but nothing firm yet.

imageGORDIAN III Augustus 238-244 AD. AR Antoninianus, RIC-86, RSC-121, Sear-8617. Obv.- IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, radiate, draped & cuirassed bust right. Rev.- LAETITIA AVG N, Laetitia standing right with wreath & anchor. Ex-Bill Kalinoski, 05/2007. Rarity (4/2).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $30.00). TRADE PENDING" "s***s".

imageGORDIAN III Augustus 238-244 AD. AR Antoninianus, RIC-88, RSC-250, Sear-8645. Obv.- IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, radiate, draped & cuirassed bust right. Rev.- P M TR P IIII COS II P P, Apollo seated left with branch & lyre. Ex-"rgcollects", eBay, 08/2008. Rarity (4/2). A late eBay addition that was briefly considered as an upgrade to the coin above, but it doesn't really look that much better- just whiter. Both are pretty nice, actually.
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $20.50). Current highest offer: none yet. (Coin not yet in hand as of 8/19/08.)

imagePHILIP I (Philip the Arab), Augustus 244-249 AD. AR Antoninianus. Obv.- IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG, radiate, draped & cuirassed bust right. Rev.- VIRTVS AVG, Virtus seated left on cuirass, holding branch & spear, shield on ground behind cuirass. RIC-53, RSC-240, Sear-8975. Ex-Jeff Measamer, 03/2008. Rarity (4/3).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $45.00). Current highest offer: none yet.

imageOtacilia Severa, wife of Philip I. AE Sestertius. Obv.- MARCIA OTACIL SEVERA AVG, diademed draped bust right. Rev.- CONCORDIA AVGG, S C in exergue, Concordia seated left, holding patera & double cornucopiae. 30 mm, 16.11 g. Ex-FORVM Ancient Coins, Lot 11072, 09/2007. Rarity (4/3).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $60.00 + S&H). Current highest offer: none yet.

imagePHILIP II, Augustus 247-249 AD. AR Antoninianus. Obv.-IMP PHILIPPVS AVG, radiate, draped & cuirassed bust right. Rev.- PAX AETERNA, Pax standing left holding branch & scepter. RIC-231c, RSC-23. Ex-Don Rupp, 05/2007, John C. Greener collection, 05/1973. Rarity (4/3). Bright and much nicer in hand- looks washed-out in my scans.
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $35.00). Tentatively RESERVED: "S***S", but nothing firm yet.

imageTRAJAN DECIUS, Augustus 249-251 AD (alone), 251 AD (with Herennius Etruscus). AR Antoninianus, 249 AD. Obv.- IMP C M Q TRAIANVS DECIVS AVG, radiate cuirassed bust right. Rev.- VICTORIA AVG, Victory advancing left with wreath and palm. RIC-29c, RSC-113a, Sear-9387. Ex-Don Rupp, 04/2007, John C. Greener collection ca. 1960s-'70s. Rarity (4/3).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $45.00). Current highest offer: none yet.

imageHerennia Etruscilla, wife of Trajan Decius. AR Antoninianus. Obv.- HER ETRVSCILLA AVG, diademed, draped bust right on crescent. Rev.- PVDICITIA AVG, Pudicitia standing left holding scepter & drawing veil from her face. 22.1 mm, 2.361g. Ex-FORVM Ancient Coins, Lot 13292, 09/2007. Rarity (4/3).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $40.00). Current highest offer: none yet.

imageHERENNIUS ETRUSCUS, Augustus 251 AD (with Trajan Decius). AR antoninianus as Caesar. Obv.- Q HER ETR MES DECIVS NOB C, radiate draped bust right. Rev.- PRINCIPI IVVENTVTIS, Apollo seated left, holding branch & resting elbow on lyre. RIC-146, RSC-24a, Sear-9522. 22 mm, 2.6 g. Ex-Incitatus Coins (Canada), 05/2007. Rarity (4/4).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $64.00 + S&H). Current highest offer: none yet.

imageHOSTILIAN, Augustus 251 AD (with Trebonianus Gallus). Provincial AE27 as Augustus. Struck at Viminacium in Moesia Inferior (modern Serbia). Obv.- C VAL HOST M QVINTVS AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Rev.- P M S COL VIM, Moesia between bull & lion, AN XII in exergue. Moushmov-54 or similar. 27 mm, 13.5 g. Ex-Incitatus Coins (Canada), 05/2007. Rarity (7*/6) (The DOC Rarity scale probably does not apply to provincials like this.)
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $49.00 + S&H). Current highest offer: none yet.

imageTREBONIANUS GALLUS, Augustus 251 AD (with Volusian and Hostilian), 251-253 AD (with Volusian). AR Antoninianus, Mediolanum mint. Obv.- IMP C C VIB TREB GALLVS AVG, radiate bust right. Rev.- IVNO MARTIALIS, Juno seated left with grain ears and a scepter. RIC-69, RSC-46. 21 mm, 3.2 g. Ex-Incitatus Coins (Canada), 05/2007. Rarity (4/3).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $30.00 + S&H). Current highest offer: none yet.

imageVOLUSIAN, Augustus 251 AD (with Trebonianus Gallus and Hostilian), 251-253 AD (with Trebonianus Gallus). AR Antoninianus. Obv.- IMP CAE C VIB VOLVSIANO AVG, radiate draped bust right. Rev.- SALVS AVGG, Salus standing right, holding snake in arms & feeding from patera in left hand. RIC-184, RSC-118, Sear-2830. 21 mm, 2.8 g. Ex-Incitatus Coins (Canada), 05/2007. Rarity (4/4).
Ref (Wildwinds page mistakenly shows a coin of Victorinus at top). Bio. (My cost: $26.00 + S&H). Current highest offer: none yet.

imageVALERIAN I, Augustus 253-260 AD (with Gallienus). Valerian AR billon antoninianus, Antioch mint, 253 AD. Obv.- IMP C P LIC VALERIANVS P F AVG, radiate draped bust right. Rev.- PIETAS AVGG, emperors sacrificing at altar between them. RIC-285, Cohen-152. 21 mm, 4.5 g. Ex-Incitatus Coins (Canada), 05/2007. Rarity (4/3).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $26.00 + S&H). Current highest offer: none yet.

imageValerian II, Caesar under Valerian I, ca. 253-257 AD. AR antoninianus, posthumous issue. Obv.- DIVO VALERIANO CAES, radiate and draped bust right. Rev.- CONSACRATIO, Valerian riding on eagle flying right. RIC-9, RCV-10606, Sear-3071. 22 mm, 3.3 g. Ex-Incitatus Coins (Canada), 03/2008. Rarity (5/4).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $59.00 + S&H). Current highest offer: none yet.

imageGALLIENUS, Augustus 253-260 AD (with Valerian), 260-268 (alone). AE silvered antoninianus. Obv.- IMP GALLIENVS PF AVG, radiate draped bust right. Rev- LETITIA AVG G (sic), Laetitia standing left holding wreath and anchor. Attribution uncertain, and the spelling of Laetitia's name is apparently unusual, though it occurs elsewhere (noted on a barbarous radiate of Tetricus I). Ex-Don Rupp, 05/20007, John C. Greener collection 08/1973. Rarity (2/-). A nice bright coin with orangish toning and superior eye appeal, not to mention the interesting unlisted reverse.
Ref (unlisted on Wildwinds). Bio. (My cost: $30.00). Current highest offer: none yet.

imageSalonina, wife of Gallenius. AE antoninianus, 267 AD, Antioch mint. Obv.- SALONINA AVG, diademed bust right on crescent. Rev.- VENVS AVG, Venus standing left with helmet & spear, leaning on shield, PXV in exergue. RIC-86, RSC-113. 20.62 mm, 2.8 g. Ex-Ancient Imports 09/2007, H.V. Bertrand 1962. Rarity (3/-).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $17.00 + S&H). Current highest offer: none yet.

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