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lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,658 ✭✭✭✭✭

imageAUGUSTUS (Octavian), Augustus 27 BC–14 AD. AE as. Struck by moneyer Marcus Salvius Otho, 7 BC. Obv.- CAESAR AVGVST PONT MAX TRIBVNEC POT, bare head right. Rev.- M SALVIVS OTHO III VIR AAA F F around large S C. RIC-431, Cohen-515, BMC-226. 27.5 mm, 11.4 g. Ex-Incitatus Coins (Canada) 05/2007. Rarity (4/6).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $79.00 + S&H).

image Livia, wife of Augustus, mother of Tiberius. Rarity: (6/-). AE as, "JVSTITIA" type. A very low grade but identifiable "filler", with counterstamp on reverse. (A recent acquisition-picture to be added later). Ex-Don Rupp, 08/2008. Ref. Bio. (My cost: $42.50).

imageAgrippa, friend of Augustus. AE as struck under Caligula, 37-41 AD. Obv.- M AGRIPPA L F COS III, head left wearing rostral crown. Rev.- S-C, Neptune standing facing, head left, naked except for cloak draped behind him & over both arms, holding small dolphin in right hand & vertical trident in left. Ref.- RIC-58 [Caligula], Cohen-3, BMC-161 [Tiberius], Sear-1812. 28 mm, 12 g. Ex-Nemesis Ancients & Antiquities, 09/2007. Rarity: (5/-).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $40.00 + S&H).

imageTIBERIUS, Augustus 14-37 AD. AR Denarius. The "Tribute Penny" of the Bible. Obv.- TI CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVGVST, laureate head right. Rev.- PONTIF MAXIM, Livia as Pax, seated right; plain legs to chair. RIC-26, RSC-16, BMC-34, Sear-1763. Ex-WNC Coins, 09/2007. Rarity (6/6).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $225.00).

imageGermanicus, nephew of Tiberius. AE as, struck under Claudius. Obv.- GERMANICVS CAESAR TI AVG F DIVI AVG N, bare head right. Rev.- TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG GERMANI IMP P P around large SC. RIC-106 [Claudius], Cohen-9, BMC-241, Sear-1905. 28.5 mm, 9.2 g. Ex-Ancient Imports, 05/2007. Rarity (4/-).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $87.00 + S&H)

image Gaius CALIGULA, Augustus 37-41 AD. AE as. Struck 37-38 AD. Obv.- C CAESAR AVG GERMANICVS PON M TR POT, bare head left. Rev.- VESTA above, S C across field, Vesta seated left, holding patera and sceptre. RIC-38, Cohen-27, BMC-46, Sear-1803. 29 mm, 10.9 g. Ex-Nemesis Ancients & Antiquities Lot 7239, 05/2007. Rarity (5/8).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $220.00 + S&H).

imageCLAUDIUS, Augustus 41-54 AD. AE as. Obv.- TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG P M TR P IMP P P, bare head left. Rev.- LIBERTAS AVGVSTA S-C, Libertas standing facing with pileus, extending left hand. RIC-113, Cohen-47, BMC-202, Sear-1860. 9.81 g. Ex-Civitas Galleries Lot AC16839, 05/2007. Rarity (3/8).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $175.00 + S&H)

imageNERO, Augustus 54-68 AD. AR denarius. Obv.- IMP NERO CAESAR AVGVSTVS, laureate and bearded head of Nero right. Rev.- Salus draped, seated left on throne, holding patera, SALVS in exergue. RIC-67, RSC-258, BMC-83, Sear-1945. Ex-WNC Coins, 04/2007. Rarity (5/6).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $110.00).

imageGALBA, Augustus 68-69 AD. AE sestertius. Obv.- IMP SER SVLP GALBA CAES AVG TRP, laureate & draped bust right. Rev.- LIBERTAS PVBLICA S-C, Liberty standing left with pileus & sceptre. RIC-309, Cohen-130. 35-36 mm, 25.8 g. Ex-Rutten & Wieland (Switzerland), 07/2007. Rarity (6/6).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $295.00 + S&H) Tentatively RESERVED: "A***d"

imageOTHO, Augustus 69 AD. AR denarius. Obv.- IMP OTHO CAESAR AVG TR P, bare head right. Rev.- PONT MAX, Ceres standing left holding wheat ears and cornucopia. RIC-20, RSC-11. 3.09 g. Ex-Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. Sale #156, Lot 312, 10/2007. Rarity (-/6).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $585.00, original HJB price $675.00).

imageVITELLIUS, Augustus 69 AD. AR denarius. Obv.- A VITELLIVS GERM IMP AVG TR P, laureate head right. Rev.- PONT MAXIM, Vesta seated right, holding scepter and patera. RIC-107, RSC-72, BMC-34, Sear-2200. 19 mm, 3 g. Ex-Incitatus Coins (Canada), 06/2007. Rarity (7/5).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $218.00 + S&H) Tentatively RESERVED: "A***d"

imageVESPASIAN, Augustus 69-79 AD. AR denarius, 70 AD. Obv.- IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG, laureate head right. Rev.- COS ITER TR POT, Pax standing left with branch and caduceus. Speculative first-year portrait only vaguely resembling Vespasian, presumably engraved before he arrived in Rome. RIC-27, RSC-94g. 17 mm, 3.1 g. Ex-Incitatus Coins (Canada), 05/2007. Rarity (5/4).
Ref. Bio (My cost: $34.00 + S&H)

imageTITUS, Augustus 79-81 AD. AR denarius. Obv.- IMP TITVS CAES VESPASIAN AVG PM, laureate head right. Rev.- TRP VIIII IMP XV COS VII PP, Capricorn flying left, globe below. RIC-19, RSC-294, BMC-35, Sear-2510. 17 mm, 3 g. Ex-Incitatus Coins (Canada), 05/2007. Rarity (6/5).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $67.00 + S&H).

imageDOMITIAN, Augustus 81-96 AD. AR denarius as Caesar. Obv.- CAES AVG F DOMIT COS III, laureate head right. Rev.- PRINCEPS IVVENTVT, Spes standing left with flower & raising skirt. RIC-233 (Vespasian), RSC-375, BMC-156, Sear-2640 19 mm, 3.5 g. Ex-Incitatus Coins (Canada), 05/2007. Rarity (4/3).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $66.00 + S&H)

imageNERVA, Augustus 96-98 AD. AE as. Obv.- IMP NERVA CAES AVG P M TR P COS III P P, laureate head right. Rev.- CONCORDIA EXERCITVVM S-C, clasped hands. RIC-79, Cohen-21. 27.8 mm, 12.8 g. Ex-Ancient Imports, 05/2007. Rarity (4/3).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $169.00 + S&H).

imageTRAJAN, Augustus 98-117 AD. AR denarius. Obv.- IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P, laureate bust right, draped far shoulder. Rev.- COS V PP SPQR OPTIMO PRINC, Equity standing left with scales & cornucopiae. RIC-118, RSC-85, Sear-3122. Ex-Don Rupp, 04/2007, John C. Greener ca. 1960s-70s. Rarity (3/3). Coin looks washed out in scan- much better in hand.
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $55.00).

imageHADRIAN, Augustus 117-138 AD. AR denarius, 118 AD. Obv.- IMP CAESAR TRAIAN HADRIANVS AVG, laureate bust right with drapery on far shoulder. Rev.- P M TR P COS II AET-AVG, Aeternitas standing left, holding heads of Sol and Luna. RIC-48, RSC-129, Sear-3458. Ex-WNC Coins, 05/2007. Rarity (3/3).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $45.00).

imageSabina, wife of Hadrian. AR denarius. Obv.- SABINA AVGVSTA, diademed and draped bust right. Rev.- CONCORDIA AVG, Concordia seated left holding patera & scepter, cornucopia beneath the throne. RIC-391, RSC-24. 18 mm, 3.2 g. Ex-Incitatus Coins (Canada), 12/2007. Rarity (7/5).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $89.00 + S&H).

imageAelius, Caesar under Hadrian, father of Lucius Verus. AE sestertius. Obv.- L AELIVS CAESAR, bare head right. Rev.- TR POT COS II S-C, Spes walking left, holding flower & raising hem of skirt. RIC-1055, Cohen-56, BMC-1914, Sear-3986. 31-32 mm, 22.75 g. Ex-Rutten & Wieland (Switzerland), 03/2008. Rarity (6/6). Coin is a bit darker brown (and therefore more natural looking) in hand.
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $195.00 + S&H)

imageANTONINUS PIUS, Augustus 138-161 AD. AR denarius. Obv.- ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P COS III, bare head right. Rev.- GENIVS POP ROMANI, Genius standing front, head right, with scepter & cornucopiae. Ref.- Ref Antoninus Pius AR Denarius, RIC-70, RSC-405, BMC-207, Sear-4085. Ex- WNC Coins, 04/2007. Rarity (3/3).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $25.00).

imageFaustina Senior, wife of Antoninus Pius. AE Sestertius. Obv.- DIVA FAVSTINA, draped bust right. Rev.- S-C, female deity standing left with long torch in right hand and fasces in left, S-C surrounding figure, outer legends missing. Attribution uncertain, but similar to RIC-1116 and other Ceres types, except the fasces replaces the ears of corn and the torch is in the opposite hand. 31.41 mm, 24.5 g. Ex-Ancient Imports, 09/2007. Rarity (4/3). (Upgrade candidate).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $27.00 + S&H)

imageMARCUS AURELIUS, Augustus 161-169 AD (with Lucius Verus), 169-177 AD (alone), 177-180 AD (with Commodus). AR denarius as Caesar, 144-145 AD. Obv.- AVRELIVS CAESAR AVG PII F, bare head right. COS (DES) II, Honos standing left holding branch & cornucopiae. RIC-426 [Antoninus Pius], RSC-100, BMC-509, Sear-4782. The attribution seems to fit except the "DES" portion of the legend is not visible (off flan?). Ex-Don Rupp, 05/2007, John C. Greener 10/1970. Rarity (3/3). Bad scan- coin looks far nicer in hand.
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $45.00). Tentatively RESERVED: "r***y"

imageFaustina Junior, daughter of Antoninus Pius, wife of Marcus Aurelius. AR denarius, 161-164 AD. Obv.- FAVSTINA AVGVSTA, draped bust right. Rev.- CERES, Ceres seated left, holding corn ears and long torch. RIC-669, RSC-35, BMC-79, Sear-5249. 18.1mm, 2.316 g. Ex-FORVM Ancient Coins, Lot 23263, 09/2007. Rarity (4/3).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $28.00 + S&H).

imageLUCIUS VERUS, Augustus 161-169 AD (with Marcus Aurelius). AE sestertius, 164 AD. Obv.- L AVREL VERVS AVG ARMENIACVS, laureate head right. Obv.- TR P IIII IMP II COS II S-C, Victory standing right, placing a shield inscribed VIC/AVG in two lines on palm. RIC-1396, Cohen-249. 33.79 mm, 23 g. Ex-Ancient Imports, 05/2007. Rarity (5/4).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $73.00 + S&H).

imageLucilla, wife of Lucius Verus, daughter of Marcus Aurelius. AR denarius. Obv.- LVCILLA AVGVSTA, draped bust right, hair in a bun. Rev.- VENVS VICTRIX, Venus standing, head left, holding Victory and resting hand on shield. RIC-786, RSC-89, BMC-353, Sear-5492. Ex-Don Rupp, 10/2007, John C. Greener ca. 1960s-70s. Formerly in an ICG VF30 slab; now raw, but insert included. Rarity (5/5).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $70.00).

imageCOMMODUS, Augustus 177-180 AD (with Marcus Aurelius), 180-192 AD (alone). AR denarius, 192 AD. Obv.- L AEL AVREL COMM AVG P FEL, laureate head right. Rev.- P M TR P XVII IMP VIII COS VII P P, Fides standing left holding standard & cornucopiae, star in left field. RIC-233, RSC-583-583a, BMC 316-317, Sear-5684. Ex-Don Rupp, 04/2007, John C. Greener ca. 1960s-70s. Rarity (4/3).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $50.00).

imageCrispina, wife of Commodus. AE sestertius, 180-183 AD. Obv.- CRISPINA AVG IMP COMMODI AVG, draped bust right. Rev.- SALVS S-C, Salus seated left, feeding serpent coiled around altar from patera held in right hand. Ref.- RIC (Commodus) 672b, Sear-6009. Apparently unlisted on Wildwinds.com, but RIC-672a/Sear-6010 is shown there. This is the type with extended obverse legend including the name of Commodus and a long-necked bust of Crispina. Ex-Incitatus Coins (Canada), 11/2007. Rarity (7/5).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $106.00).

imageClodius Albinus, usurper, emperor in Britain 193-197 AD. AR denarius (as Caesar under Septimius Severus), ca. 194 AD. Obv.- D CLOD SEPT ALBIN CAES, bare head right. Rev.- MINER PACIF COS II, Minerva standing facing with olive branch, shield & spear. RIC-7, RSC-48, Sear-6144. 18 mm, 3.1g. Ex-Mike Vosper Coins (United Kingdom), 01/2008. (Rarity unlisted in DOC database).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: UK £125.00; US $247.95 at the time, + S&H). Tentatively RESERVED: "B***l"

imageSEPTIMIUS SEVERUS, Augustus 193-197 (contested), 197-198 (alone), 198-209 (with Caracalla). 209-211 (with Caracalla & Geta). AR denarius, 205 AD. Obv.- SEVERVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right. Rev.- P M TR P XIII COS III P P, Annona standing left holding corn ears over a modius & cornucopiae. RIC-200, RSC-476, BMC-489SC, Sear-6338. Ex-WNC Coins, 04/2007. Rarity (6/3).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $50.00).

imageJulia Domna, wife of Septimius Severus. AR denarius. IVLIA AVGVSTA, draped bust right / PIETAS PVBLICA, Pietas standing left, raising both hands at altar. RIC-574, RSC-156, BMC-69, Sear-6601. Ex-Gil Menendez, 12/2007. Rarity (6/3).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $24.00).

imageCARACALLA, Augustus 198-209 AD (with Septimius Severus), 209-211 AD (with Septimius Severus & Geta), 211 AD (with Geta), 211-217 AD (alone). AR denarius, 215 AD. Obv.- ANTONINVS PIVS AVG GERM, laureate head right. Rev.- P M TR P XVIII COS IIII P P, Pax standing half-left, holding branch and scepter. RIC-268, RSC-314, BMC-147, Sear-6841. Ex-WNC Coins, 05/2007. Rarity (6/3).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $95.00). Tentatively RESERVED: "D***y"

imagePlautilla, wife of Caracalla. AR denarius. Obv.- PLAVTILLA AVGVSTA, draped bust right. Rev.- VENVS VICTRIX, Venus standing left holding apple & palm, leaning on shield, Cupid at her feet. RIC-369, RSC-25, BMC-429, Sear-7074. Ex-Ancient Artifacts & Treasures, 01/2008. Rarity (7/4).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $110.00 + S&H).

imageGETA, Augustus 209-211 AD (with Septimius Severus & Caracalla), 211 AD (with Caracalla). AR denarius as Caesar, 208 AD. Obv.- P SEPTIMIVS GETA CAES, draped bust right, Rev.- PONTIF COS II, Geta standing left, holding globe (patera?) & short scepter. RIC-61a, RSC-117. Ex-Don Rupp, 05/2007, John C. Greener, 02/1968. Rarity (7/3).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $40.00).

imageMACRINUS, Augustus 217-218 AD. Provincial AE25 of Marcianopolis (now Devnya, in Bulgaria), under magistrate Pontianus. Obv.- Greek inscription, laureate cuirassed bust right. Rev.- Greek inscription, eagle standing facing, head right, wreath in beak. Verbanov-864. 25mm, 11.2g. Ex-Incitatus Coins, 05/2007. Rarity (7/5) (Probably inapplicable to provincial coins like this).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $45.00).

imageDIADUMENIAN, Augustus 218 AD. AE sestertius as Caesar, 218 AD. Obv.- M OPEL ANTONINVS DIADVMENIANVS CAES, draped & cuirassed bust right. Rev.- SPES PVBLICA S-C, Spes walking left, holding flower & lifting hem of skirt. RIC-219, Cohen-23, BMC-155, Sear-7454. 29 mm. Ex-WNC Coins, 11/2007. Rarity (7/6). Low grade but scarce.
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $85.00).

imageELAGABALUS, Augustus 218-222 AD. AR denarius. Obv.- IMP ANTONINVS PIVS AVG, laureate draped bust right. Rev.- P M TRP IIII COS III P P, Victory flying left holding open wreath, star in field left. RIC-45, RSC-195, BMC-251, Sear-7535. 19.04 mm, 2.7 grams. Ex-Ancient Imports, 05/2007. Rarity (6/3).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $67.00 + S&H).

imageJulia Soaemias, mother of Elagabalus. AR denarius, 220 AD. Obv.- IVLIA SOAEMIAS AVG, draped bust right. Rev.- VENVS CAELESTIS, Venus seated left, holding scepter, extending her hand to Cupid standing before her. RIC-243, RSC-14, BMC-55, Sear-7720. 19.57 mm, 2.9 g. Ex-Ancient Imports, 09/2007. Rarity (6/4).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $87.00 + S&H).

imageJulia Maesa, grandmother of Elagabalus & Severus Alexander. AR denarius, 220-222 AD. Obv.- IVLIA MAESA AVG, draped bust right. Rev.- SAECVLI FELICITAS, Felicitas standing left with long caduceus, sacrificing out of patera over lighted altar, star right. RIC-271, RSC-45, BMC-79, Sear-7757. Gift from Michael Swoveland, 05/2007. Rarity (6/4).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $0.00).

imageSEVERUS ALEXANDER, Augustus 222-235 AD. AR denarius, 227 AD. Obv.- IMP C M AVR SEV ALEXAND AVG, laureate draped bust right / P M TR P VI COS II P P, Alexander standing left, sacrificing out of patera over altar. RIC-70, RSC-325. 18.5 mm, 2.252 g. Ex-John Knudsen, 02/2007. Rarity (5/3). Coin looks a little better in hand.
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $19.00).

imageSEVERUS ALEXANDER, Augustus 222-235 AD. AR denarius. Obv.- IMP C M AVR SEV ALEXAND AVG, laureate draped bust right. Rev.- P M TR P V COS II P P, Mars walking right carrying spear & trophy. RIC-53/RSC-281 or similar. Ex-"rgcollects", eBay, 08/2008. Rarity (5/3). A late eBay addition, intended as an upgrade for the coin above.
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $21.25).

imageJulia Mamaea, mother of Severus Alexander. AR denarius. Obv.- IVLIA MAMAEA AVG, diademed & draped bust right. Rev.- VESTA, Vesta standing half-left, holding palladium & scepter. RIC-360, RSC-81, BMC-381, Sear-8217. 20.5 mm, 2.935 g. Ex-FORVM Ancient Coins, Lot 11361, 09/2007. Rarity (6/4).
Ref. Bio (My cost: $40.00).

imageMAXIMINUS I, (Maximinus Thrax), Augustus 235-238 AD. AR denarius. Obv.- MAXIMINVS PIVS AVG GERM, laureate bust right. Rev.- VICTORIA GERM, Victory standing right with wreath & palm, captive at feet. RIC-23, RSC-107, BMC-186, Sear-8318. 20.51 mm, 3.7 g. Ex-Ancient Imports, 05/2007. Rarity (4/4).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $77.00 + S&H).

imagePUPIENUS, Augustus 238 AD (with Balbinus and nominally with Gordian III, against Maximinus Thrax). AE sestertius, RIC-22b, Cohen-24, BMC-96, Sear-8534. Wildwinds-published plate coin- example #1 at top of page. Ex-eBay, "petronius_ii", 12/2007, ex-Old Roman Coins (ORC) previously. Rarity (6/6).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $337.00).

imageGORDIAN III Augustus 238-244 AD. AR Antoninianus, RIC-86, RSC-121, Sear-8617. Obv.- IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, radiate, draped & cuirassed bust right. Rev.- LAETITIA AVG N, Laetitia standing right with wreath & anchor. Ex-Bill Kalinoski, 05/2007. Rarity (4/2).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $30.00).

imageGORDIAN III Augustus 238-244 AD. AR Antoninianus, RIC-88, RSC-250, Sear-8645. Obv.- IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, radiate, draped & cuirassed bust right. Rev.- P M TR P IIII COS II P P, Apollo seated left with branch & lyre. Ex-"rgcollects", eBay, 08/2008. Rarity (4/2). A late eBay addition that was briefly considered as an upgrade to the coin above, but it doesn't really look that much better- just whiter. Both are pretty nice, actually.
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $20.50).

imagePHILIP I (Philip the Arab), Augustus 244-249 AD. AR Antoninianus. Obv.- IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG, radiate, draped & cuirassed bust right. Rev.- VIRTVS AVG, Virtus seated left on cuirass, holding branch & spear, shield on ground behind cuirass. RIC-53, RSC-240, Sear-8975. Ex-Jeff Measamer, 03/2008. Rarity (4/3).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $45.00).

imageOtacilia Severa, wife of Philip I. AE Sestertius. Obv.- MARCIA OTACIL SEVERA AVG, diademed draped bust right. Rev.- CONCORDIA AVGG, S C in exergue, Concordia seated left, holding patera & double cornucopiae. 30 mm, 16.11 g. Ex-FORVM Ancient Coins, Lot 11072, 09/2007. Rarity (4/3).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $60.00 + S&H).

imagePHILIP II, Augustus 247-249 AD. AR Antoninianus. Obv.-IMP PHILIPPVS AVG, radiate, draped & cuirassed bust right. Rev.- PAX AETERNA, Pax standing left holding branch & scepter. RIC-231c, RSC-23. Ex-Don Rupp, 05/2007, John C. Greener collection, 05/1973. Rarity (4/3). Bright and much nicer in hand- looks washed-out in my scans.
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $35.00).

imageTRAJAN DECIUS, Augustus 249-251 AD (alone), 251 AD (with Herennius Etruscus). AR Antoninianus, 249 AD. Obv.- IMP C M Q TRAIANVS DECIVS AVG, radiate cuirassed bust right. Rev.- VICTORIA AVG, Victory advancing left with wreath and palm. RIC-29c, RSC-113a, Sear-9387. Ex-Don Rupp, 04/2007, John C. Greener collection ca. 1960s-'70s. Rarity (4/3).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $45.00).

imageHerennia Etruscilla, wife of Trajan Decius. AR Antoninianus. Obv.- HER ETRVSCILLA AVG, diademed, draped bust right on crescent. Rev.- PVDICITIA AVG, Pudicitia standing left holding scepter & drawing veil from her face. 22.1 mm, 2.361g. Ex-FORVM Ancient Coins, Lot 13292, 09/2007. Rarity (4/3).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $40.00).

imageHERENNIUS ETRUSCUS, Augustus 251 AD (with Trajan Decius). AR antoninianus as Caesar. Obv.- Q HER ETR MES DECIVS NOB C, radiate draped bust right. Rev.- PRINCIPI IVVENTVTIS, Apollo seated left, holding branch & resting elbow on lyre. RIC-146, RSC-24a, Sear-9522. 22 mm, 2.6 g. Ex-Incitatus Coins (Canada), 05/2007. Rarity (4/4).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $64.00 + S&H).

imageHOSTILIAN, Augustus 251 AD (with Trebonianus Gallus). Provincial AE27 as Augustus. Struck at Viminacium in Moesia Inferior (modern Serbia). Obv.- C VAL HOST M QVINTVS AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Rev.- P M S COL VIM, Moesia between bull & lion, AN XII in exergue. Moushmov-54 or similar. 27 mm, 13.5 g. Ex-Incitatus Coins (Canada), 05/2007. Rarity (7*/6) (The DOC Rarity scale probably does not apply to provincials like this.)
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $49.00 + S&H).

imageTREBONIANUS GALLUS, Augustus 251 AD (with Volusian and Hostilian), 251-253 AD (with Volusian). AR Antoninianus, Mediolanum mint. Obv.- IMP C C VIB TREB GALLVS AVG, radiate bust right. Rev.- IVNO MARTIALIS, Juno seated left with grain ears and a scepter. RIC-69, RSC-46. 21 mm, 3.2 g. Ex-Incitatus Coins (Canada), 05/2007. Rarity (4/3).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $30.00 + S&H).

imageVOLUSIAN, Augustus 251 AD (with Trebonianus Gallus and Hostilian), 251-253 AD (with Trebonianus Gallus). AR Antoninianus. Obv.- IMP CAE C VIB VOLVSIANO AVG, radiate draped bust right. Rev.- SALVS AVGG, Salus standing right, holding snake in arms & feeding from patera in left hand. RIC-184, RSC-118, Sear-2830. 21 mm, 2.8 g. Ex-Incitatus Coins (Canada), 05/2007. Rarity (4/4).
Ref (Wildwinds page mistakenly shows a coin of Victorinus at top). Bio. (My cost: $26.00 + S&H).

imageVALERIAN I, Augustus 253-260 AD (with Gallienus). Valerian AR billon antoninianus, Antioch mint, 253 AD. Obv.- IMP C P LIC VALERIANVS P F AVG, radiate draped bust right. Rev.- PIETAS AVGG, emperors sacrificing at altar between them. RIC-285, Cohen-152. 21 mm, 4.5 g. Ex-Incitatus Coins (Canada), 05/2007. Rarity (4/3).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $26.00 + S&H).

imageValerian II, Caesar under Valerian I, ca. 253-257 AD. AR antoninianus, posthumous issue. Obv.- DIVO VALERIANO CAES, radiate and draped bust right. Rev.- CONSACRATIO, Valerian riding on eagle flying right. RIC-9, RCV-10606, Sear-3071. 22 mm, 3.3 g. Ex-Incitatus Coins (Canada), 03/2008. Rarity (5/4).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $59.00 + S&H).

imageGALLIENUS, Augustus 253-260 AD (with Valerian), 260-268 (alone). AE silvered antoninianus. Obv.- IMP GALLIENVS PF AVG, radiate draped bust right. Rev- LETITIA AVG G (sic), Laetitia standing left holding wreath and anchor. Attribution uncertain, and the spelling of Laetitia's name is apparently unusual, though it occurs elsewhere (noted on a barbarous radiate of Tetricus I). Ex-Don Rupp, 05/20007, John C. Greener collection 08/1973. Rarity (2/-). A nice bright coin with orangish toning and superior eye appeal, not to mention the interesting unlisted reverse.
Ref (unlisted on Wildwinds). Bio. (My cost: $30.00).

imageSalonina, wife of Gallenius. AE antoninianus, 267 AD, Antioch mint. Obv.- SALONINA AVG, diademed bust right on crescent. Rev.- VENVS AVG, Venus standing left with helmet & spear, leaning on shield, PXV in exergue. RIC-86, RSC-113. 20.62 mm, 2.8 g. Ex-Ancient Imports 09/2007, H.V. Bertrand 1962. Rarity (3/-).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $17.00 + S&H).

imagePostumus, Gallic secessionist emperor 260-268 AD. AR Antoninianus. Obv.- IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG, radiate, draped & cuirassed bust right. Rev.- HERC DEVSONIENSI, Hercules standing right leaning on club. RIC-64, Cohen-91, Sear-3111. Ex-WNC Coins, 05/2007. Rarity (4/3).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $20.00).

imageVictorinus, Gallic secessionist emperor ca. 268 (or 269)-270 (or 271) AD. AE Antoninianus. Obv.- IMP C VICTORINVS P F AVG, radiate, draped & cuirassed bust right. Rev.- INV-I-CTVS, Sol advancing left with whip. RIC-114, Cohen-49, Sear-s3165. 21.69 mm, 3.1 g. Ex.-Ancient Imports, 05/2007. Rarity (3/-).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $39.00 + S&H).

imageTetricus I, Gallic secessionist emperor ca. 270 (or 271)-273 (or 274) AD (with Tetricus II). AE antoninianus. Obv.- IMP TETRICVS P F AVG, radiate, cuirassed bust right. Rev.- HILARITAS AVGG, Hilaritas standing left, holding palm and cornucopiae. RIC-80, Cohen-57. 19.6 mm, 2.3 g. Ex-Ancient Imports, 05/2007. Rarity (3/-).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $34.00 + S&H).

imageTetricus II, Caesar under Tetricus I, ca. 273-274 AD.
AE Antoninianus. Obv.- C P E TETRICVS CAES, radiate head right. Rev.- PIETAS AVGG, sacrificial implements: ladle, jug and lituus. RIC-255, Cohen-48. Ex-FORVM Ancient Coins Lot 14365, 09/2007. Rarity (3/-).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $20.00 + S&H).

imageVabalathus, king of Palmyra under his mother, Zenobia, ca. 266-272 AD (initially in cooperation with Aurelian, but later revolted against him and was conquered). AE antoninianus with dual portraits of Aurelian and Vabalathus, Antioch mint, 271 AD. Obv.- IMP C AVRELIANVS AVG, Radiate and draped bust right. Rev. (which I'll consider the obverse for purposes of this collection)- VABALATHVS V CRIMDR, Laureate and draped bust right. RIC-381. 20.62 mm, 3.3 g. Ex-Ancient Imports, 05/2007. Rarity (5/-).
Ref. Bio. (My cost: $69.00 + S&H).

imageCLAUDIUS II (Claudius II Gothicus), Augustus 268-270 AD. AE silvered antoninianus, Antioch Mint. Obv.- IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG, radiate, draped & cuirassed bust right. Rev.- VIRTVS AVG, Minerva standing right resting on shield and holding spear, S in exergue. 21.75 mm, 4.2 g. Ex-Ancient Imports, 05/2007, C.J. Martin (from a hoard found in Syria), 1984. Rarity (2/-).
Ref. Bio.

imageQUINTILLUS, Augustus 270 AD. AE Antoninianus. Obv,- radiate & draped bust right. Rev.- Securitas standing left, leaning on column, holding scepter; XI. RIC-31, Cohen-63. 21 mm, 3 g. Ex-Incitatus Coins (Canada), 05/2007. Rarity (4/-).
Ref. Bio.

imageAURELIAN, Augustus, 270-275 AD. Aurelian Silvered AE Antoninianus, Cyzicus mint, 274-275 AD. Obv.- IMP C.AVRELIANVS AVG, radiate cuirassed bust right. Rev.- RESTITVTOR ORBIS, woman standing facing right, presenting wreath to Aurelian, D C in exergue. RIC-368-D, Cohen-210. xx mm, xx g. Ex-Henry Bergos, Macon, GA coin show, 01/2008. Rarity (2/-).
Ref. Bio.

imageTACITUS, Augustus 275-276 AD. AE antoninianus, Rome mint. Obv.- IMP C M CL TACITVS AVG, radiate, draped & cuirassed bust right. Rev. - PROVIDENTIA AVG, Providentia standing left holding baton over globe at foot left & cornucopiae, XXIA in exergue. 21 mm, 3.3 g. Ex- Incitatus Coins (Canada), 05/2007. Rarity (3/-).
Ref. Bio.

imageFLORIAN, Augustus 276 AD. AE antoninianus. Obv.- IMP C FLORIANVS AVG, radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right. Rev.- CLEMENTIA TEMP, Clementia standing left with scepter, leaning on column, XXIZ in exergue. 22 mm, 3.7 g. Ex-Nemesis Ancients & Antiquities, 07/2008. Rarity (4/-).
Ref (unlisted on Wildwinds). Bio.

imagePROBUS, Augustus 276-282 AD. AE silvered antoninianus, Tripolis mint. Obv.- IMP C M AVR PROBVS P F AVG, radiate draped bust right. Rev.- CLEMENTIA TEMP, emperor standing right, holding sceptre, receiving globe from Jupiter, Z between, XXI in exergue. RIC-927-Z. xx mm, xx g. Ex-bargainbinancients.com, 07/2008. Rarity (2/-).
Ref. Bio.

imageCARUS, Augustus 282-283 AD. Posthumous AE antoninianus, Siscia mint, 283 AD. Obv.- DIVO CARO PARTHICO, radiate head right. Rev.- CONSECRATIO AVG, flaming altar, A to right, SMSXXI in exergue. RIC-111v, Cohen-23, Venera-4341. 21.8 mm, 3 g. Ex-Ancient Imports, 05/2007, Harmer Rooke, 1988. Rarity (3/-).
Ref. Bio.

imageNUMERIAN, Augustus 283-284 AD. AE antoninianus. Obv.- IMP NUMERIANVS AVG, radiate cuirassed bust right. Rev.- IOVI VICTORI, Jupiter standing, head left, holding Victory, eagle at feet to left. RIC-410, Cohen-16, Sear-s3431. 23 mm, 3.5 g. Ex-Incitatus Coins (Canada), 05/2007. Rarity (3/-).
Ref. Bio.

imageCARINUS, Augustus 283-285 AD (in competition with Diocletian). AE Antoninianus, Rome mint, 284-285 AD. Obv.- IMP CARINVS P F AVG, radiate cuirassed bust right. Rev.- AETERNIT AVG, Aeternitas standing left holding phoenix on a globe & lifting skirt, KA(gamma) in exergue. RIC-244, Cohen-10, Sear-s3463. Large 22 mm flan, 3.8 g. Ex-Incitatus Coins (Canada), 05/2007. Rarity (3/-).
Ref. Bio.

imageCarausius, British secessionist emperor, 286-293 AD. AE antoninianus, off-center strike, exact attribution uncertain. Obv.- IMP CARA(VSIVS P F AVG), laureate & cuirassed bust right. Rev.- / PAX (AVG), Pax standing, head left, holding olive branch and scepter (or spear). 18x22 mm, 4.3 g. Ex-Roman Lode Ancient Coins, 01/2008.. Rarity (4/7).
Ref. Bio.

imageDIOCLETIAN, Augustus 284-286 AD (alone), 286-305 AD (Augustus of the East, with Maximian as Augustus of the West). AE Antoninianus, Antioch mint, 285 AD. Obv.- IMP C C VAL DIOCLETIANVS P F AVG, radiate, draped & cuirassed bust right. Rev.- IOVI CONSERVATORI AVGG, Diocletian standing right, receiving Victory fr

Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.


  • lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,658 ✭✭✭✭✭


    I have decided to sell this collection, because a recent layoff has forced me (not so reluctantly) into becoming a full time coin dealer, at least for the time being. This means that this collection must be sold to transform it back into working capital.

    This set was probably the most fun collection I have built in the last 18 years. As a dealer, I will retain my interest in Roman coins and may continue to buy and sell them occasionally, in fact. It is hard to beat the historical "bang for the buck" provided by these ancient, interesting, and often surprisingly inexpensive coins.

    Below I have added attribution and provenance information on each coin, when possible. Also included is my cost. At this point, with me not having priced the coins yet, we are at the "make me an offer" stage. I'll leave it this way for a week or so before going elsewhere, probably eBay with some of these, and what doesn't sell there will go to my antique mall booth.

    Make me an offer, be it cash or trade, for anything that interests you.

    You have my cost information below so you have a general idea of what a good ballpark offer will be.

    If I like your offer (in most cases if it is over 10% more than my cost, for example), I will mark the coins as sold for you. If your offer is close (at my cost or less than 10% over it, or a trade offer) and I want to "think about it" for a while, I will mark the coins as "tentatively reserved but nothing firm yet". (This is also the case with coins people expressed an interest in before I had this list completed).

    The "Rarity" listings are according to the "Dirty Old Coins" DOC database, which gives a general idea of a ruler's relative scarcity to the others. R-1 is common and R-9 is the rarest. (I avoided anything over R-7 as too expensive or rare for this collection). The first number you see in the parentheses is the AE (bronze) rarity and the second is the AR (silver) rarity. Whichever number I highlight in bold is the applicable rarity rating of each coin. I found the DOC database quite helpful but I did discover some flaws and omissions- for example, it skips Clodius Albinus and Severina, and it does not seem to apply to provincial coinage (but I do not have more than two or three provincials in this collection). It does not always correlate with the coin's monetary value, either. For example, the most expensive coin in this set is the Otho denarius; an R-6, which cost me nearly $600, while my Crispina and Diadumenian sestertii are both R-7's and cost me a just a little more and a little less than $100, respectively. The DOC scale just compares general scarcity by ruler and not rarity of individual types or grades.

    Please let me know if anything interests you here, even if you have never collected ancient coins but always found them interesting. I am happy to give you tips if you are a novice- I myself was a beginner, only a year and a half ago, but my knowledge increased exponentially after collecting these.

    Remember, though cash is king, I am not adverse to trade offers of things I can sell easily, like Classic US coins or nicer world coins.

    Thanks for looking! image

    -Rob Shinnick/"lordmarcovan"

    PS- with the expanded info on each coin, this list was too long for a single post! I have only encountered this event once before! For that reason, there are two posts below this one. Part One is Augustus through Carausius, and Part Two is Postumus through Marcian. Generally speaking, the cheaper coins will be towards the end of the Empire, at the bottom of the second post. The list is in roughly chronological order, from 7 BC on up to 457 AD. This was an "Augustus to Zeno" A-to-Z set, but I am keeping the ex-Eliasberg gold Zeno solidus for sentimental reasons.

    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.
  • lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,658 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.
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