Inflation Soars...And Gold DROPS???

What gives...this morning, inflation was reported at much more elevated levels than anticipated (both core and CPI), and gold fails to rise...and in fact drops slightly...what gives?
That violates Economics 101.
That violates Economics 101.
Or the PPT, take your pick.
Can you post a link to the inflation data?
I knew it would happen.
Inflation link:
Every day!
Something ain't right!
gold is the beach ball and inflation is the water and the USfed/central banks/PPT are the guys pushing the beach ball under water farther and farther down. Eventually, they're going to let this beach ball slip through their hands and that ball is going to soar high into the air!!
"“Those who sacrifice liberty for security/safety deserve neither.“(Benjamin Franklin)
"I only golf on days that end in 'Y'" (DE59)
My icon IS my coin. It is a gem 1949 FBL Franklin.
Nothing goes straight up and it takes a lot of patience (Similiar to coin collecting) to dollar cost average through price fluctuations. I personally believe that we are still in the infancy of this movement upward and will continue to accumulate graded gold coins as I can afford them, over the long haul. And I'm an Old Guy!
In the long run I don't think you can go wrong holding gold and especially silver.. but in the short run there's no rush to go buy it.. just like there's no rush to buy real estate, which has a ways down to go yet.
1928 resemblances
Google keywords:Wealth+Disparity+Depression
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.-Albert Einstein
I knew it would happen.
this method works for the stock market as well
right is left, left is right. up isdown down is up. the sun rises in the west, sets in the east. what seems wrong.
Its all one big crooked mess that fills the pockets of *somebody* while pulling money out of the pockets of people who think things are logical and they understand them.
A lot to be said for hiding money under your mattress.
<< <i>trust me on this....
gold is the beach ball and inflation is the water and the USfed/central banks/PPT are the guys pushing the beach ball under water farther and farther down. Eventually, they're going to let this beach ball slip through their hands and that ball is going to soar high into the air!! >>
not oil, not inflation (yet)
All of the logical and rational arguments that I've put forward in defense of gold, silver and platinum have all been discredited! All of the talk about market manipulation by the government and the banking cartel - all lies!!
So, to summarize where things stand right now I quote from a famous novel which pretty much sums it up:
"O cruel, needless misunderstanding! O stubborn, self-willed exile from the loving breast! Two gin-scented tears trickled down the sides of his nose. But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother."
The End.
I knew it would happen.
<< <i>Let me go on the record to state that all of the money I've put into precious metals has been a big mistake! I have been such a fool!!
All of the logical and rational arguments that I've put forward in defense of gold, silver and platinum have all been discredited! All of the talk about market manipulation by the government and the banking cartel - all lies!!
So, to summarize where things stand right now I quote from a famous novel which pretty much sums it up:
"O cruel, needless misunderstanding! O stubborn, self-willed exile from the loving breast! Two gin-scented tears trickled down the sides of his nose. But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother."
The End. >>
I disagree with your position, but love the reference. Great book!
I disagree with my position, too.
I knew it would happen.
you get a 100% return on a stock over a few years, don't you SELL???
I'd say no. Most people are conditioned to hold for more money and not to sell what has been a good thing. Did people sell their homes when they doubled and tripled in price only to go into a rental? Nope. How many here sold their coins after finding themselvers in a 100% profit position over the past few years? Probably very few. For every stock player who takes the 100% profit off the table, there are probably 5 to 9 others who hold waiting for bigger gains. I wonder how well the original shareholders of Microsoft would have done had they settled for 100% profits back in the 1980's? Most people sell when they can't bear to lose any more money. They hold on to winners until they eventually become losers. This applies to just about all types of "investments." People "love" their stocks just like they love their toys and hobbies. They get so attached that they frequently make the wrong moves.
I try to sell when I think that the reasons that I originally bought have changed in a fundamental way.
If anything, I see that the reasons I originally bought precious metals are magnified, if anything.
I knew it would happen.
However, as an added benefit, they've also tripled (quadrupled?) in value over the past few years...which have only recently made me think about selling them for a significant gain...which, remember, was never my original intent.
Truth be told...have I thought "what if" in the past few days...regarding selling plat at $2200 and gold at $1000...sure I have...but I still enjoy looking at those same coins just like I did when I originally bought them.
And, lastly, do I see gold retreating back to $300/ounce and plat to $ I guess I still did better than putting the money in a bank and buying a few CDs at 5-6% back in the day!
P.S.: and what bank offers a posting board like this to discuss your rocking CDs and IRAs? How dull would that be!
caused a distortion in the normal financial developments.
All debt is suspect and subject to more serious
markdowns then then we have seen to date. Credit will
slowly choke off and folks better be prepared to make do with
what they currently have. With the potential of the collapse of the
financial foundations and potential new cold war ,as well as potential
hot wars, we are in for a long and difficult time for the world as we know it.
Simple: In a bull market, price rises on good news and rises on bad news. In a bear market, price falls on bad news and falls on good news.
my early American coins & currency: --
they sell thier PM's first
there is ABSOLUTELY no reason for the drop in PM's this week other than central banks manipulating the market through thier trusted member banks.......who else makes GOLD LOANS at MINUS 3%?
just think about it, borrow us dollars at 97% of face and sell them into the spot market at 100% of face....pooof!!!! instant 3% profit.....on the trade....
and when you sell large amounts of "loaned" gold into the spot market....what happens......severe downswing in price......while you are at it, take out some more shorts before you sell into the spot market, then cover them after the spot market is trashed.......WOW more profits!!!!
all while helping the central bank put the lid on a pure indicator of INFLATION and USD valuation............
<< <i>when the big bank run dry of liquid funds
they sell thier PM's first
there is ABSOLUTELY no reason for the drop in PM's this week other than central banks manipulating the market through thier trusted member banks.......who else makes GOLD LOANS at MINUS 3%?
just think about it, borrow us dollars at 97% of face and sell them into the spot market at 100% of face....pooof!!!! instant 3% profit.....on the trade....
and when you sell large amounts of "loaned" gold into the spot market....what happens......severe downswing in price......while you are at it, take out some more shorts before you sell into the spot market, then cover them after the spot market is trashed.......WOW more profits!!!!
all while helping the central bank put the lid on a pure indicator of INFLATION and USD valuation............ >>
Are you aware the dollar has been rallying the last month or so and Goldman Sachs called a bottom in the dollar.......that is headwind for gold.
I give away money. I collect money.
I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.
And you couldn't get them?
One of my colleagues at Heritage had a customer who wanted if I remember correctly 1,000 MS-65 Morgans when they were at the top, saying "they're going to 2 grand they're going to 2 grand!" The order couldn't be filled so they "settled" for a couple thousand MS-64's and 63's.
The market collapsed .
I was into early 10's and Patterns when all that was happening. Whew!
I also remember a doctor coming into my shop back in 1980 looking to "stock up" when gold was way high and wondered why I wanted money up front on any gold orders. He kept saying "it's just getting started"! If I remember correctly he took a 2nd mortgage to finance his purchases. Never heard from him after the drop.
I had purchased 10,000 oz's of silver, between $5.50 and $7.50 from a company in Ft Lauderdale Fla ( I was in NJ and had never even seen Ft Lauderdale at that point). I called the broker to sell when silver was 32 bucks. He told me I was an a-hole, and that it was going to 100. I said, yup so you should be happy to own it at 32. He hung up. His sales manager hung up too. I flew down with my financial partner from Brooklyn . We were both very angry. Got there and everybody was in a "meeting". It got very ugly and finally Kenny had the sales manager in a chokehold and told me "Tommy go and cash this thing while the sales manager whimpered and he put his finger in the guys face and told him "you better hope that check is good or you go out the window".
I went to the back and of course they didn't have that much cash on hand. Cleaned out what they had and they wired the rest. I called up to the company and reported that I had the money.
We went to lunch. I bought a Sea Ray Weekender at a place called Captains Cove. Flew back to Jersey and bought a demo Corvette at Malcolm Konner Chevy . Went back to Fla ( REALLY liked Ft Lauderdale and was only 25 years such an age who wouldn't like Lauderdale back then? Heheh ) Had a ball.
Bought silver futures again a couple years later, when Anwar Sadat was murdered. Thought, great, middle east turmoil has to turn this 12 dollar+ an oz silver into significantly more. Got a margin call a couple days later. Lost it all.
Never speculated in that game again.
Coin's for sale/trade.
Tom Pilitowski
US Rare Coin Investments
Summer time, and the livin' is easy; fish are jumpin' and the cotton's high...
Thanks for the story mrearly
mule, it might be a good time to get off.
<< <i>"silver futures again a couple years later, when Anwar Sadat was murdered. Thought, great, middle east turmoil has to turn this 12 dollar+ an oz silver into significantly more. Got a margin call a couple days later. Lost it all."
Summer time, and the livin' is easy; fish are jumpin' and the cotton's high...
Thanks for the story mrearly >>
Anytime Mr mhammerman, ahhh to be younger again with a pocket full of __________( fill in the blank )
Coin's for sale/trade.
Tom Pilitowski
US Rare Coin Investments
You better spread your wings, child......and reach, reach for the sky......
Man! I've never seen the PMs kicked this hard, ever. Not that it really means anything, but it is fairly impressive.
I knew it would happen.
Whoops, I thought I was on the silver is "dropping like a flasher's overcoat" thread.
LOL! I'da love to seen that one.
My Uncles had friends from the East of Cleveland for collection problems he didn't have time to handle, personally.