I think your pictures have definitely improved since you first posted this medal in August of 2006
From that original post a few years back - A. Lyalin R. (marked on the neck) engraver, working for the shop of M Kuchkin R (reverse, bottom). Bronze - diameter 64mm. Smirnov Catalogue #603a.
I thought it was gorgeous then, and still do. From what I remember, it was also in the original box, right? What a great find!
<< <i>I posted on the Coin Forun but it didn't get a quip. >>
Pah. Liteside barbarians. What do you expect, from a bunch of Philistines? You may as well have cast pearls before swine.
Edit to add- the original case makes it all the sweeter. I'm getting a very high coolometer reading on that. Perhaps nine kilofonzies, or even one megafonzie.
If you've any interest in Russian coins at all that reverse is killer.
This is a not a coin. It is a medal commemorating the Coronation of Alexander II in Moscow in 1856.
8 Reales Madness Collection
<< <i>Very attractive.
This is a not a coin. It is a medal commemorating the Coronation of Alexander II in Moscow in 1856. >>
Thanks, and welcome to the Monkey House.
<< <i>What do you think? >>
I think your pictures have definitely improved since you first posted this medal in August of 2006
From that original post a few years back - A. Lyalin R. (marked on the neck) engraver, working for the shop of M Kuchkin R (reverse, bottom). Bronze - diameter 64mm. Smirnov Catalogue #603a.
I thought it was gorgeous then, and still do. From what I remember, it was also in the original box, right? What a great find!
8 Reales Madness Collection
<< <i>I posted on the Coin Forun but it didn't get a quip. >>
Pah. Liteside barbarians. What do you expect, from a bunch of Philistines? You may as well have cast pearls before swine.
Edit to add- the original case makes it all the sweeter. I'm getting a very high coolometer reading on that. Perhaps nine kilofonzies, or even one megafonzie.
1-Dammit Boy Oct 14,2003
International Coins
"A work in progress"
eBay registered name:
Hard_ Search (buyer/bidder, a small time seller)
e-mail: wayne.whatley@gmail.com