1843 New Brunswick Token
I know it is a bit rough but it seems to have "character" to me.
After saying that I am thinking of a short olive oil soak, what do you think?

After saying that I am thinking of a short olive oil soak, what do you think?

Becoming informed but still trying to learn every day!
1-Dammit Boy Oct 14,2003
International Coins
"A work in progress"
eBay registered name:
Hard_ Search (buyer/bidder, a small time seller)
e-mail: wayne.whatley@gmail.com
1-Dammit Boy Oct 14,2003
International Coins
"A work in progress"
eBay registered name:
Hard_ Search (buyer/bidder, a small time seller)
e-mail: wayne.whatley@gmail.com
Thanks for the tip anyway
1-Dammit Boy Oct 14,2003
International Coins
"A work in progress"
eBay registered name:
Hard_ Search (buyer/bidder, a small time seller)
e-mail: wayne.whatley@gmail.com
Though I agree that aggressive preservation would remove the character and leave a boring, worn, cleaned looking coin.
1-Dammit Boy Oct 14,2003
International Coins
"A work in progress"
eBay registered name:
Hard_ Search (buyer/bidder, a small time seller)
e-mail: wayne.whatley@gmail.com
The green would have to go, but if you say it is not as prominent in hand, that's good.
These tokens are very affordable for their coolness factor. I remember buying my first one for three bucks, when I was a teenager. I suspect the values have not gone up terribly since. They had an extra appeal for me, being from New Brunswick, as I live in Brunswick, Georgia.
I would love to see a Red UNC version of one of these one day. Not own- I doubt I could afford a full Red one. But I would love to see the finest known.
Here are a few pretty nice specimens from Heritage.
Proud (but humbled) "You Suck" Designee, February 2010.
1-Dammit Boy Oct 14,2003
International Coins
"A work in progress"
eBay registered name:
Hard_ Search (buyer/bidder, a small time seller)
e-mail: wayne.whatley@gmail.com
The best have even darker toning in the toned areas, and thereby even better contrast, but that one is CircCam all day long.
If I find it I will photo and post it
1-Dammit Boy Oct 14,2003
International Coins
"A work in progress"
eBay registered name:
Hard_ Search (buyer/bidder, a small time seller)
e-mail: wayne.whatley@gmail.com
Conder Token Gallery https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMCiunai6NjOxoo3zREkCsAnNm4vONzieO3u7tHyhm8peZmRD_A0MXmnWT2dzJ-nw?key=Rlo2YklUSWtEY1NWc3BfVm90ZEUwU25jLUZueG9n
I am not a true collector of these but happen to have a couple or 3
1-Dammit Boy Oct 14,2003
International Coins
"A work in progress"
eBay registered name:
Hard_ Search (buyer/bidder, a small time seller)
e-mail: wayne.whatley@gmail.com
to show the token's color. Here's a headon of the token complete with date.
Conder Token Gallery https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMCiunai6NjOxoo3zREkCsAnNm4vONzieO3u7tHyhm8peZmRD_A0MXmnWT2dzJ-nw?key=Rlo2YklUSWtEY1NWc3BfVm90ZEUwU25jLUZueG9n
1-Dammit Boy Oct 14,2003
International Coins
"A work in progress"
eBay registered name:
Hard_ Search (buyer/bidder, a small time seller)
e-mail: wayne.whatley@gmail.com