Coin related Novel

So I was in one of those 80% off bookstores looking for some books for my youngest daughter (she's 26 but reads 4-5 books a week). I saw a cover that looked interesting, "The System of the World", by Neal Stephenson, anybody know him?
He must be a collector, or really did his research, as he has woven in a fair account of the state of coinage in the UK in the late 17th/ e. 18th century. He's discusing the making of coins, quality, value of gold/silver and all of the changes occuring during hths period. I'm only about 50 pages in to it but interesting so far.
He must be a collector, or really did his research, as he has woven in a fair account of the state of coinage in the UK in the late 17th/ e. 18th century. He's discusing the making of coins, quality, value of gold/silver and all of the changes occuring during hths period. I'm only about 50 pages in to it but interesting so far.
I knew his name sounded familiar. Snow Crash got alot of attention and I always meant to read it, but never did (corresponded to a rather heavy education time for me).
Did you get the whole series or just pick up that one, and if you did start that one is it a good stand alone read? Sounds interesting!
World Collection
British Collection
German States Collection