Pics or Try Try Again
in Stamps Forum
Will try to add some pics again.............
Superb 98
What does it take!!!!
They were there now there gone!
Is posting pics really this difficult!
Maybe it's not the "third time" that's "the charm." Maybe it's the 1000th!
1. When posting a message, click on the "Attach File(s)" button below the posting window. This will pop up an image manager window.
2. Click on the "Browse" button and locate the file on your hard drive. Then click on "Upload File". The image should upload and now be listed (maximum file size is 50KB). Click on the filename and "View File" to verify.
3. Click "Attach File". Finish post. (Images do NOT show up in preview).
If you're satisfied with the image being a link with a little paperclip icon, you're done. If not (and I wouldn't be), there's a little more work:
4. In your completed post, click on the paperclip link to pop upon your picture. You'll see the complete link to your image in the address bar of your browser. Select and copy that link (Ctrl+C). Close the popup window.
5. Edit your original post and click on the little picture frame icon at the left above the message window. It will pop open a window asking for the URL to the image. Paste (Ctrl+V) in the link you copied above. Click OK.
6. Preview the message. If it looks ok, click "Edit Message". Done.
Once you do it a few times, it will become second nature...
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