BST draft 888
Here are an assortment of mostly common, mostly circulated silver dollars. All coins are raw and are unpicked by me for VAM varieties, as I have no knowledge and little interest in that area. These are mostly the average sort of coins, the majority of which I purchased from an antique dealer who had gotten them in an estate sale. Because of the lack of photos this time around, I have done my best to give a short description of each coin. Full return privilege, just PM me if not satisfied. Add $2.00 per order for shipping in bubble mailer. PM with any further questions. Thank you for looking. What does not sell here is destined for my antique mall booth soon.
1879-S Third Reverse/Reverse of 1879 VG10 (light grey, old cleaning, nick on Liberty's lip, a bit scrubby but acceptable) $18.00
1879 VF20 (even light grey on both sides, no distractions, quite a decent coin) $22.00
1880 VG8 (medium grey overall, possible old cleaning or dip job but not at all bad looking, no distractions) $17.00
1880-S AU53 (dark grey obverse w/a tiny bit of toning thumbed away on cheek, medium-dark grey reverse, darkish but not bad) $30.00
1880-S AU55 (obverse bright white with orange-brown traces at the rims, cartwheel luster, darker grey reverse with underlying luster, nice) $36.00
1882 VG10 (medium grey with slightly lighter devices, faint but decent contrast, no distractions, very handsome for a lower-grade coin) $17.50
1882-S AU50 (medium grey obverse, slightly darker reverse, several toned-over obverse scratches- steel wool? Bad, but not bad as it sounds) $17.00
1882-S AU55 (bright white-gold obverse with prominent cartwheel luster, slightly mottled brownish toning on reverse, still some luster there) $35.00
1883 G4 (evenly toned dark grey with the expected amount of wear, no distractions, darkish but not bad looking for a low grade coin) $15.00
1884 F12 (medium grey with light highlights, faint contrast, traces of an old scrubbing but not bad looking) $18.00
1884 AU50 (dark grey peripheries with light grey centers on both sides, hints of rainbowy colors beneath toning, very nice) $33.00
1886-O VF25 (dark slate grey with lighter highlights in areas, not quite "CircCam" but rather handsome for a darker coin) $27.50
1887 AU53 (white obverse with hints of gold, dark grey reverse, average luster, mismatched sides but attractive, especially the obverse) $34.00
1887-O F12 (off white to light grey, lightly polished but otherwise handsome with no other distractions) $16.50
1888-O G4 (medium grey with heavy wear, many faint parallel obverse scratches, not great but not as awful as it sounds, either) $12.50
1889 EF45 (medium brownish-grey obverse, off-white to light grey reverse, obverse is average, reverse looks great) $27.00
1889 AU50 (off white with faint cartwheel luster, olive-gold reverse, quite handsome aside from some reverse rim nicks) $29.00
1899-O G6 (dark grey with light devices, lower grade but very handsome thanks to nice "CircCam" contrast, no distractions) $16.00
1899-O EF40 (light grey with a few areas retoned darker from an old cleaning, a little dull but otherwise not too bad) $21.00
1899-O EF45 (medium grey, handsome except for slightly darker streak on left obverse, overall not bad at all) $25.00
1900-O AG3+ (borderline G4, heavily worn but some outlining can almost be called "CircCam", not too bad aside from honest wear) $14.00
1900-O F12 (dark grey with some partial"CircCam" contrast on both sides, a little minor rim chatter, not awful) $18.00
1900-O VF25 (light grey obverse, dark grey reverse with light "CircCam" contrast, decent) $22.00
1901-O VG8 (dark slate grey w/some faint rim bumps causing some toning disturbances, semi-"CircCam" reverse, not great but not awful) $16.00
1904 F15 (light grey w/dark outlines, poss. light rub obv., med. grey rev. w/"CircCam" contrast, sm. rev. rim nick, handsome for the grade) $26.00
1921 AU55 (evenly toned medium to darkish grey with old scratch across chin and jawline, not bad aside from the scratch) $16.50
1921 EF45 (evenly toned light to medium grey, no distractions) $20.00
1921 AU58 (light grey obverse, subdued luster, dark grey reverse, obverse is handsome, reverse a tad dark) $26.00
1921-D EF45 (medium grey with possible very faint old whiz job, not bad looking at all) $17.50
1922 VF25 (light grey obverse w/very faint, nearly-invisible hairline, reverse medium grey with patch of old tape adhesive) $15.00
1922 AU53 (light to medium grey, a few darkish flecks that are not terribly distracting) $16.00
1922 MS61 (maybe MS62 or better, off white obverse with dark grey peripherals, mottled and uglyish dark grey-brown reverse) $21.00
1922-D F12 (light to medium grey with faint goldish undertones, decent for a lower midgrade piece) $14.50
1922-D F15 (medium to dark grey with lighter highlights, light "CircCam" contrast, attractive for the grade) $14.50
1923 AU55 (off white, decent cartwheel luster, two greyish stains obverse) $16.50
1923 AU55 (off-white and faintly goldish obverse, dark grey, somewhat mottled reverse) $16.50
1923 AU58 (bright, mostly white, traces of old adhesive on obverse cause yellowish patches, some decent luster underneath) $16.00
1923-D F15 (off-white, probably old cleaning, one darker area on reverse) $14.50
1923-D VF25 (medium grey with faint goldish hints, a few slightly darker areas, two very minor obverse rim bumps) $15.00
1923-S VF20 (medium grey, patchy toning, slightly negative eye appeal) $14.00
1924 XF40 (medium grey) $14.50
1924 AU50 (medium grey, attractive obverse, uglyish reverse with spots and faint scratches) $13.00
1924 AU50 (medium grey with very faint hints of pinkish-gold, average obverse, attractive reverse) $15.50
1924 AU58 (off-white to light grey with some gold tone, faint luster beneath toning, not blazingly brilliant but not bad looking) $18.00
1924 AU58 (minor tickmarks but hardly worth mentioning, white with light gold tone, decent looking coin) $18.00
1925 MS63 (white, cleaned, but some cartwheel luster remaining, spotty reverse) $22.00
1926 VF20 (possible light old polishing, light grey toning compensates, making it look a bit more natural) $15.50
1974-S silver clad PR65+ (slightly hazy but faintly rainbowish peripheral target toning, attractive) $12.50
1879-S Third Reverse/Reverse of 1879 VG10 (light grey, old cleaning, nick on Liberty's lip, a bit scrubby but acceptable) $18.00
1879 VF20 (even light grey on both sides, no distractions, quite a decent coin) $22.00
1880 VG8 (medium grey overall, possible old cleaning or dip job but not at all bad looking, no distractions) $17.00
1880-S AU53 (dark grey obverse w/a tiny bit of toning thumbed away on cheek, medium-dark grey reverse, darkish but not bad) $30.00
1880-S AU55 (obverse bright white with orange-brown traces at the rims, cartwheel luster, darker grey reverse with underlying luster, nice) $36.00
1882 VG10 (medium grey with slightly lighter devices, faint but decent contrast, no distractions, very handsome for a lower-grade coin) $17.50
1882-S AU50 (medium grey obverse, slightly darker reverse, several toned-over obverse scratches- steel wool? Bad, but not bad as it sounds) $17.00
1882-S AU55 (bright white-gold obverse with prominent cartwheel luster, slightly mottled brownish toning on reverse, still some luster there) $35.00
1883 G4 (evenly toned dark grey with the expected amount of wear, no distractions, darkish but not bad looking for a low grade coin) $15.00
1884 F12 (medium grey with light highlights, faint contrast, traces of an old scrubbing but not bad looking) $18.00
1884 AU50 (dark grey peripheries with light grey centers on both sides, hints of rainbowy colors beneath toning, very nice) $33.00
1886-O VF25 (dark slate grey with lighter highlights in areas, not quite "CircCam" but rather handsome for a darker coin) $27.50
1887 AU53 (white obverse with hints of gold, dark grey reverse, average luster, mismatched sides but attractive, especially the obverse) $34.00
1887-O F12 (off white to light grey, lightly polished but otherwise handsome with no other distractions) $16.50
1888-O G4 (medium grey with heavy wear, many faint parallel obverse scratches, not great but not as awful as it sounds, either) $12.50
1889 EF45 (medium brownish-grey obverse, off-white to light grey reverse, obverse is average, reverse looks great) $27.00
1889 AU50 (off white with faint cartwheel luster, olive-gold reverse, quite handsome aside from some reverse rim nicks) $29.00
1899-O G6 (dark grey with light devices, lower grade but very handsome thanks to nice "CircCam" contrast, no distractions) $16.00
1899-O EF40 (light grey with a few areas retoned darker from an old cleaning, a little dull but otherwise not too bad) $21.00
1899-O EF45 (medium grey, handsome except for slightly darker streak on left obverse, overall not bad at all) $25.00
1900-O AG3+ (borderline G4, heavily worn but some outlining can almost be called "CircCam", not too bad aside from honest wear) $14.00
1900-O F12 (dark grey with some partial"CircCam" contrast on both sides, a little minor rim chatter, not awful) $18.00
1900-O VF25 (light grey obverse, dark grey reverse with light "CircCam" contrast, decent) $22.00
1901-O VG8 (dark slate grey w/some faint rim bumps causing some toning disturbances, semi-"CircCam" reverse, not great but not awful) $16.00
1904 F15 (light grey w/dark outlines, poss. light rub obv., med. grey rev. w/"CircCam" contrast, sm. rev. rim nick, handsome for the grade) $26.00
1921 AU55 (evenly toned medium to darkish grey with old scratch across chin and jawline, not bad aside from the scratch) $16.50
1921 EF45 (evenly toned light to medium grey, no distractions) $20.00
1921 AU58 (light grey obverse, subdued luster, dark grey reverse, obverse is handsome, reverse a tad dark) $26.00
1921-D EF45 (medium grey with possible very faint old whiz job, not bad looking at all) $17.50
1922 VF25 (light grey obverse w/very faint, nearly-invisible hairline, reverse medium grey with patch of old tape adhesive) $15.00
1922 AU53 (light to medium grey, a few darkish flecks that are not terribly distracting) $16.00
1922 MS61 (maybe MS62 or better, off white obverse with dark grey peripherals, mottled and uglyish dark grey-brown reverse) $21.00
1922-D F12 (light to medium grey with faint goldish undertones, decent for a lower midgrade piece) $14.50
1922-D F15 (medium to dark grey with lighter highlights, light "CircCam" contrast, attractive for the grade) $14.50
1923 AU55 (off white, decent cartwheel luster, two greyish stains obverse) $16.50
1923 AU55 (off-white and faintly goldish obverse, dark grey, somewhat mottled reverse) $16.50
1923 AU58 (bright, mostly white, traces of old adhesive on obverse cause yellowish patches, some decent luster underneath) $16.00
1923-D F15 (off-white, probably old cleaning, one darker area on reverse) $14.50
1923-D VF25 (medium grey with faint goldish hints, a few slightly darker areas, two very minor obverse rim bumps) $15.00
1923-S VF20 (medium grey, patchy toning, slightly negative eye appeal) $14.00
1924 XF40 (medium grey) $14.50
1924 AU50 (medium grey, attractive obverse, uglyish reverse with spots and faint scratches) $13.00
1924 AU50 (medium grey with very faint hints of pinkish-gold, average obverse, attractive reverse) $15.50
1924 AU58 (off-white to light grey with some gold tone, faint luster beneath toning, not blazingly brilliant but not bad looking) $18.00
1924 AU58 (minor tickmarks but hardly worth mentioning, white with light gold tone, decent looking coin) $18.00
1925 MS63 (white, cleaned, but some cartwheel luster remaining, spotty reverse) $22.00
1926 VF20 (possible light old polishing, light grey toning compensates, making it look a bit more natural) $15.50
1974-S silver clad PR65+ (slightly hazy but faintly rainbowish peripheral target toning, attractive) $12.50