Ebay problems... Any help?

Have any of you experienced problems with ebay and email changes? I recently changed my email account from comcast to verizon. I also have changed this info with PayPal. For some reason Ebay will not change the information on listings I had listed with my comcast account and Paypal is not accepting the payments for any of the listings I made with such. I have to manually tell all of the purchasers to send it to my verizon email instead. You probably would think that this is easy and no problem, but I already have had some flac(?) from the first buyer. He does not trust me because of it. I have been on the phone with ebay and they will not assure me that they will take care of any negative feedback that I get from the buyers. I am really just worried about the star ratings that I get. I am waiting for a suprvisor to call me back, but......

At this point though (if you've already deleted the old email address from your PayPal account and you can no longer access email sent to the old address), I'm not sure it would be possible to add it again.