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Are these 1958 and 1959 proof 1D roos (m) or (p)?

How do I tell if these are (m) or (p)?

Edited 8/1/2808 to include better photos.

I'm trying to get these and seven of their friends in the mail to PCGS today...




  • (P). There is a . after Penny.
  • zeebobzeebob Posts: 2,825
    Thank you.

    I get what was meant on the Australian Coin Collection website. A DOT after Y means Perth. Got it.

    All these New Zealand and Australian coins are cool, but I've got so much to learn...


  • image

    The dot after means Perth Mint
    Although I think 1955 Perth proofs did not have the dot after
    Perth also lightly laquered their proofs which has helped keep them brilliant red.
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