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Coin Help 1902/801 25 cents

I have the below coin. It is a honduras quarter. As you can see from the pictures it appears to be 1902/801. It is an F mint mark. It apears from Krause to be KM#50a. However the was only a 1902/1 F. It does say varieties exist. An if you look at the .835 silver amount there is a unusual 0 in from of the .835. the 1900 quarter i looked at only had .835. Has anyone encountered something similar or have any ideas.




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  • ormandhormandh Posts: 3,111 ✭✭✭
    I like the coin simply because it is an overdate. I have no idea about the 0 though. -Dan
  • rec78rec78 Posts: 5,753 ✭✭✭✭✭
    That is the great secret of darkside coins--There is a lot yet to be discovered. Every date in every denomination has not been scrutinized to the nth degree as US coins. Many varieties go uncatalogued and some with very vague mention as in krause-(varieties exist-this could mean almost anything). Also many series are almost totally ignored. While type collecting is the popular way to collect darkside coins, There are not, in my opinion many collectors of darkside series per se,with the exception of a few countries. There are many, many sleepers out there and discoveries yet to be made. BTW-neat coins. Bob image
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