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Fake cob possibility.

Hey there.

A few years ago, I got a small coin purse from my grandmother. Among the coins (Nazi coins, South Africa coins, etc) was what I later found out to be a cob. I assumed it was worth not much, and kept it away. Only recently did I really look into more about the cob, and I have a suspicion that it is a fake cob. It is pretty heavy (though I havn't weighed it yet), so it probably is at least gold, but while doing my search, I found this:


My coin looks very familiar to this, and probably weighs the same considering the fake one above is pure gold.

Now if I had bought the coin off ebay, I'd immediatly assume that it was a fake. But considering it was hiding away in a closet for quite a few years, I'm not 100% convinced it is a fake yet.

So I ask: What is the probability that coins made back then would be similar to each other? And, when did cob replicating become a big thing? (meaning: is it a new thing, or has it been going on for decades?)

Thanks for any help.

(PS- I've seen Dan Sedwicks page on fake cobs, but the photos there are not big enough for me to determine if mine is among the fakes.)
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