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Hitler Sterling Commemorative Coin

was wondering what this would be worth or if its worth anything at all. the info i found about it says it was made in 1989. The Front features a view of the right side of Adolf Hitler’s face against a polished background centered in the words ADOLF HITLER 1889 - 1945. The back has a German National Emblem (eagle and swastika) centered in the words EIN VOLK, EIN REICH, EIN FÜHRER (One People, One State, One Leader). i found the coin in a shop and was interested but i dont want to buy it to find out its not as rare as the guy said it was, also im not realy a coin collector, just collect stuff as i find it and like it. any help would be much apprectiated. thnks glenn


  • PreussenPreussen Posts: 2,307 ✭✭✭
    First, welcome to the forum. Second, if you like it, buy it, but for not much over melt value. It isn't a coin but a medal - a modern fantasy piece with no historic value whatsoever, and not even remotely rare. As a collecter of coins from the German 3rd Reich I personally wouldn't want it at any price. JMO -Preussen

    Edited to add: Here is a "real" rare 3rd Reich coin image

    "Illegitimis non carborundum" -General Joseph Stilwell. See my auctions
  • 3Mark3Mark Posts: 593 ✭✭✭
    Welcome to the forum. Let me echo Preussen's comments, but I was going to say that it would be worth less than melt. These are usually sold to suckers on ebay as "real" coins, medals or whatever. There were no circulating coins issued by Germany with a portrait of Hitler on them, but there are several rare patterns (5 marks) with his portrait.3Mark
    I'm traveling on memory and running out of fuel.
  • SaorAlbaSaorAlba Posts: 7,584 ✭✭✭✭✭
    There are literally tonnes of fantasies around. I have some tokens from Guernsey and Jersey that are fantasies from when the Germans occupied the islands in the 1940's, they never issued tokens though.
    Tir nam beann, nan gleann, s'nan gaisgeach ~ Saorstat Albanaich a nis!
  • hey thnks for the replies. yeah i know its not a real WWII coin. it was minted in 1989, its just a commerative coin/ medalion what ever it would be called. i might look up the melt value of the thing. i just didnt want to get taken. cause i know theres alot of scammers out there. the guy wasnt askin much for it so i dont think he was trying to get one over on me. thnks for the help anyone else that knows anything about it with some info fell free to add to the post thnks. heres a pic of it i got from a site
  • PreussenPreussen Posts: 2,307 ✭✭✭
    Let's call it as it is..a POS -Preussen
    "Illegitimis non carborundum" -General Joseph Stilwell. See my auctions
  • sumnomsumnom Posts: 5,963 ✭✭✭
    Who would minting such pieces in 1989?
  • POS got image haha thnks alot im glad theres forums like this to help people out. i bet scammers are glad most people arnt smart enough to do the research into stuff before they buy it image im glad i found this place. laters
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