1808/7 Capped Bust Half NGC VF25

Incredibly worthy of a really really nice collection. That's how much I love this coin. It's a VF, conservatively graded in my opinion, totally unmolested, rich brown toning, absolutely goregeous and PROBLEM FREE.
I have it up on ebay for the masses, but if anyone here wants it, let me know DIRECTLY, I will take it off ebay and sell it to you for $430 postage included.
I cannot emphasize enough what a great coin this is. You will be tested to find another like it. Seriously. No bull.
dAMN! I love this coin!
I have it up on ebay for the masses, but if anyone here wants it, let me know DIRECTLY, I will take it off ebay and sell it to you for $430 postage included.
I cannot emphasize enough what a great coin this is. You will be tested to find another like it. Seriously. No bull.
dAMN! I love this coin!
Amazing Collection of Bust Halves, Mike!