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Better date slabbed Mexico for sale.

1920 5C NGC62BN lustrous, medium chocolate brown, not dark $185
1938 10C ANACS64 Typical coppernickel light tone, bright and lustrous $60
1911 20C NGG65 100% white and lustrous $120
1914 20C NGC65 100% white and lustrous $75
1919 50C .800 fine variety NCG64 100% white and lustrous $105
1925 50C ICG62 100% white and lustrous $110

All items postpaid. 7 day return privilege. Check or money order.


  • adamlaneusadamlaneus Posts: 6,969 ✭✭✭
    Please limit yourself to ONE thread on the BST forum. Not three. Combine all of your items in one listing.

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