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MTG: Value of an Alpha PSA 10 Underground Sea

Hey Everyone image

I see we have ourselves a nice Alpha 10 Tundra on ebay. I expected it to go for around 600-700 so im already wrong AGAIN...... lol

I paid 900.00 for my Alpha 10 Undeground Sea in 2006 i think, and when i bought it I think I had about 6 months of buyers remorse afterwards thinking how bad i got screwed over on the price.....I kept thinking it was worth around 500.00 at the time.

Alpha Tundra 10 1 of 5
Alpha Underground Sea 10 1 of 4

So im guessing an Alpha 10 Sea is probably well over 1,000 now....I guess inflation on food, energy, and commodities has spilled over to the Alpha market. lol hehe

-Rudy image
Owner of the only solid PSA 10 alpha set BUT only 23% Complete...(not including duplicate 10's)

Currently 95 Alpha 10's so far...

8 x Alpha PSA 10 Hypnotic Spector
3 x Alpha PSA 10 Icy Manipulator
2 x Alpha PSA 10 Demonic Tutor
1 x Alpha PSA 10 TimeWalk
0 x Alpha PSA 10 Black Lotus image


  • Hey Rudy,

    Considering a raw NM/M Underground will easily fetch in excess of $300, I'd say you did quite well with the $900 you paid for a GEM 10!
  • Six months of buyers remorse? That's rough...
  • Hey Rudy,

    I couldn't even begin to guess at a price. I passed on one at around $600, and I also passed on a tundra at the same price. To look at the market right now, that seems crazy; long term, who knows. The funny thing about the tundra is it sat for a looong time with no takers at that price image

    Take it easy,
    "You consider me the young apprentice,
    Caught between the Scylla and Charibdes,
    Hypnotized by you if I should linger,
    Staring at the ring around your finger" - Sting

    Ray Thiel (1964-2007) - the man who showed me more wonderful games & gaming sessions than I ever dreamed possible... you ran out of hit points too young, my friend.
  • I feel the same way Jared.

    I had many opportunities for similiar items I passed on because of price.....

    Looking back now, we should have hought everything we could! lol

    Owner of the only solid PSA 10 alpha set BUT only 23% Complete...(not including duplicate 10's)

    Currently 95 Alpha 10's so far...

    8 x Alpha PSA 10 Hypnotic Spector
    3 x Alpha PSA 10 Icy Manipulator
    2 x Alpha PSA 10 Demonic Tutor
    1 x Alpha PSA 10 TimeWalk
    0 x Alpha PSA 10 Black Lotus image
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