How are the number of Ebay items for sale in your neck of the woods faring ?

I've been busy the last while so no time for coins.
I had a look at Ebay this afternoon in particular coins for sale in Ireland.
Sadly the number of coins for sale has dropped by an enormous amount ( due to recession ? ).
How are the number of coins for sale in your area faring ?
I had a look at Ebay this afternoon in particular coins for sale in Ireland.
Sadly the number of coins for sale has dropped by an enormous amount ( due to recession ? ).
How are the number of coins for sale in your area faring ?
Possible reasons, in no particular order:
1. Poor economy
2. Summer is traditionally a down period compared to other times of the year; people are out doing things outside, taking vacations, etc.
3. eBay's changes have really caused a lot of sellers to slow down or stop alltogether.
1/2 Cents
U.S. Revenue Stamps