It looks to be a silver Tari of Ferdinand II of Spain as King of Spain and Siciliy. 1479-1516. It's a fairly common coin and has been very heavily clipped, making the retail value likely under $100.00.
Yes, the clipping was to steal silver. A full Tari should weigh about 3.5 grams. There are very many minor varieties with regards to placement of the assayer's initials and legend breaks/styles. Yours appears to be a variety of Spahr 144ff.
New coins listed monthly!
Josh Moran
CIVITAS Galleries, Ltd.
Were these "clipped" to steal Silver off them?
Not sure how common this is though - can't find an image of anything like this on the net. Also, can't find any connection between a 'Tari" and Spain.
New coins listed monthly!
Josh Moran
CIVITAS Galleries, Ltd.