Grades posted ...

Grades posted this morning from my most recent submission to ICG ...
1915 Austria 1 Ducat Restrike,KM#2267 MS64
1913 Austria 2 COR KM#2821 AU58 <- eBay UK raw
2001 Austria 10 Kruezer MS69 <- PCGS No Grade -- they couldn't find it in Krause
1948 Czechoslovakia 100 K KM#27 MS63 <- eBay US raw
1948 Czechoslovakia 100 K KM#26 MS66 <- eBay US raw
1912-D German Empire 25 PF KM#18 AU58
1915-F German Empire 1/2 Mk KM#17 MS65 <- eBay US raw (lightly toned)
1924 Great Britain Farthing KM#808.2 MS63RB <- eBay UK raw
1955 Great Britain Farthing KM#895 MS67RD <- eBay UK raw
1923 Japan 50 SEN KM#46 YR12 AU55
Overall grades were about what I was expecting and not bad considering more than half were purchased off eBay with so-so pictures at best.
1915 Austria 1 Ducat Restrike,KM#2267 MS64
1913 Austria 2 COR KM#2821 AU58 <- eBay UK raw
2001 Austria 10 Kruezer MS69 <- PCGS No Grade -- they couldn't find it in Krause
1948 Czechoslovakia 100 K KM#27 MS63 <- eBay US raw
1948 Czechoslovakia 100 K KM#26 MS66 <- eBay US raw
1912-D German Empire 25 PF KM#18 AU58
1915-F German Empire 1/2 Mk KM#17 MS65 <- eBay US raw (lightly toned)
1924 Great Britain Farthing KM#808.2 MS63RB <- eBay UK raw
1955 Great Britain Farthing KM#895 MS67RD <- eBay UK raw
1923 Japan 50 SEN KM#46 YR12 AU55
Overall grades were about what I was expecting and not bad considering more than half were purchased off eBay with so-so pictures at best.
1st You Suck - 04/07/05 - Thanks MadMarty!
Happy Rock Wrens
You're having delusions of grandeur again. - Susan Ivanova
Well, if you're gonna have delusions, may as well go for the really satisfying ones. - Marcus Cole
Happy Rock Wrens
You're having delusions of grandeur again. - Susan Ivanova
Well, if you're gonna have delusions, may as well go for the really satisfying ones. - Marcus Cole
World Collection
British Collection
German States Collection
I seem to have had better luck lately searching eBay when I get the itch to find something unusual or interesting. Hasn't been very much of anything interesting show up at the local coin show in quite some time, but when something shows up its usually completely worn out or too dinged up for what I would like it to be. Hopefully the next show will prove to be better ...
Happy Rock Wrens
You're having delusions of grandeur again. - Susan Ivanova
Well, if you're gonna have delusions, may as well go for the really satisfying ones. - Marcus Cole