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Great news for US Philippine collectors.Teletrade gives US-Philippine coins a public listing as part

Great news for US Philippine collectors.

At last a major US auction house is recognizing the US Philippine series as US coinage and given the series their own major linkie-poo, direct on their front page. Go to Teletrade auction 2550, Sunday, June 29, 2008, and feast your eyes on the listing for US Philippine centavos. It's right below the listing for US State Quarters, flag sets, and right above Hawaiian coinage. Yippee!

The URL is http://www.teletrade.com/coins/cat.asp?aucnear=2546&auction=2550&group_id=2516&subgroup_id=0&pagesize=30&pagenum=1#detail

Hey guyz, we're finally making the big time. Wow, when I started collecting these beautiful, underrated coins, I intellectually knew the day when this would happen would come, but wondered if I'd live long enough to see it. Now, I know I will. imageimageimage

Even better, Teletrade wants to become known as home base for the series, so they intend to be user friendly for the US-Philippines. So right now, there's a listing for just the 1 centavos, but the other denominations will follow.

One last note of interest: There are more than 50 lots of Just Having Fun centavos. That includes some coins that will comfortably fit in almost anyone's registry set. And you'll be able to pick and choose from amongst an almost complete date set for the business strikes. To the best of my knowledge, this is the first time such a complete set of the business strikes has ever been offered one time, one place.

Now, it's beddie boo time out here in Bangkok. Nite nite.

Just Having Fun, and lots of it!
Jefferson nickels, Standing Libs, and US-Philippines rock


  • FilamCoinsFilamCoins Posts: 1,899 ✭✭✭

    Wooo Hooo!! image

  • That is good news, hopefully some of the other auction houses will follow suit.
  • I just now finished reviewing these and tracking several that I will choose a small number from for bidding. It's hard to decide which ones though, since I'd like to bid on all the ones I have marked, but alas, I am a realist with limited funds.

    I'll probably be happy to just pick up one or two.

    Edited to add a clickable link here, and to note that JetBlack74Oil has a couple that are also drawing my attention right now. So many I want and so little money!
  • wondercoinwondercoin Posts: 16,982 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Here is a Press Release From Teletrade (now on their Website):

    Teletrade to auction substantial collection of U.S. - Philippines coins...
    by Ian J Russell on Wednesday, June 25, 2008

    Teletrade has obtained the special consignment of several hundred U.S.-Philippines coins in all denominations, which will be placed in Teletrade online auctions beginning in July and going through October. They will be featured in multiple auctions by denomination starting in Teletrade Auction 2550 on Sunday, June 29, 2008.

    The collection has been consigned to Teletrade by Justhavingfun, the No. 1 Registry Collector in every current U.S.-Philippines set and Mitch Spivack who has chosen Teletrade as the auction house to sell the duplicates of his expansive collection.

    “This is one of the most substantial U.S.-Philippines collections ever assembled and certainly an exciting breakthrough for all for all of the dedicated U.S.-Philippines collectors throughout the world,” said Ian Russell, president of Teletrade. “This is something to really keep an eye on as we release the highlights and catalogs in the coming months.”

    Please visit my website at www.wondercoins.com and my ebay auctions under my user name www.wondercoin.com.
  • jepoyjepoy Posts: 49 ✭✭
    hi justhavingfun,


    does this mean that you are going to sell all your US-Philipipne coins that are included in your PCGS Set Registry?

    are you going to retire from this hobby or are you going to built another series?

  • wondercoinwondercoin Posts: 16,982 ✭✭✭✭✭
    "has chosen Teletrade as the auction house to sell the duplicates of his expansive collection."

    Jepoy - "Duplicates".


    Please visit my website at www.wondercoins.com and my ebay auctions under my user name www.wondercoin.com.
  • jepoyjepoy Posts: 49 ✭✭
    Ooooppss, i missed that oneimage

  • Hello Jepoy:

    Yes, I am still very actively collecting the US Philippine series, my favorite in all of the US coinage. It's my favorite for the challenge, the difficulty of collecting the coins. Where else, for instance, can you find US bronzes with one date after another offering just two, one, or even no REDS.

    I also like it for the profit potential. There are coins in this series selling for $3,000 which, if say Mercury dimes or Buffalo Nickels, would sell comfortably for 10 times that.

    But while I'm comfortably upgrading within the US Philippines series, at every chance I get, I also have to start selling my duplicates. My closet at my US residence was overflowing with these coins. This pretty much clears that out and makes it easier for me to sleep at night.

    Warm regards,

    Just Having Fun
    Jefferson nickels, Standing Libs, and US-Philippines rock
  • jepoyjepoy Posts: 49 ✭✭
    when are you going to update the list on your PCGS Set REGISTRY?

    potential profit of the US Philippine coins, i greatly believe in you with that as evidenced by the prices realized on the US-Philippine coins on the recent auction of GolbergCOin. they exceeded the estimates.
  • Oh yes, Jepoy, the US Philippine cons far exceeded the expectations at the Goldberg auction. Sheeesh, I placed almost a dozen bids with what I thought were astronomical tops with my dealer. Four of them were triple or more than what Goldberg expected -- and I lost 'em all.

    That's one of the reasons, I've been reluctant to put my coins up for auction, even my duplicates, because they've been appreciating so fast over the past three years. It's probably been the best performing classic series. And that's because it's just beginning to get wides-read recognition as a US series.

    That's why Teletrade putting its muscle behind these coins is a biggie.

    Warm regards,

    Just Having Having
    Jefferson nickels, Standing Libs, and US-Philippines rock
  • imageYeah, Baby! image
    3218 U.S. Philippines 1 Cent 1908S NGC 63 RB (ANACS vice NGC)image
    ($70.00) - Choice red-brown mint luster. Well struck. Pleasing surfaces.
    3233 U.S. Philippines 1 Cent 1920S PCGS 55 BNimage
    ($65.00) - Attractive warm brown AU surfaces. Well struck.
    PCGS has certified three coins at this level with 21 finer. (Maybe so, but this one's mine now)
    3236 U.S. Philippines 1 Cent 1922 NGC 63 BN (ANACS vice NGC)image
    ($150 - Bidding on this one hit my maximum) - Choice brown mint luster. Well struck. Pleasing surfaces.

    After Buyer's Fee, CA Sales Tax and Shipping, total damage is a mere $353.82.

    As can be seen, I had to stick to the lower end of the MS spectrum, but that's okay.

    Regarding those described as NGC, which were actually in ANACS holders, I personally view that as a Teletrade screwup. I hope JHF impresses upon them the necessity of getting that right next time.

    I took a look at the upcoming Pesos and was a bit disappointed. I see JHF isn't letting those 1911's and 1912's go yet, not even a straight serif '05, and certainly not an '06. What's up with that? Oh well, maybe I'll have the time to scrape up funds for the other denominations when they come up.
  • jetblack740il


    Complete US-PHIL Coins for Sale, Circulation Strikes 1903-1945
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