The Canada 10c cover looks to be the only good item but the condition of the stamp may well kill that value. Cuba cover worth maybe $30, other stuff garbage.
Yeah I thought the Canada cover might have a little bit of value even with the condition. Thanks for your opinion Richard, thought it was an OK deal for the final bid.
The stampless are all common - worth $3 each or so. Nobody cares about content really on anything that would be in those letters. Watch for content on early letetrs from the West and the earliest settlement period from other locations as well as military.
The Cuba letter is from A.P. Wright Color sergeant with the Roughriders. He mentions Roosevelt,General Wood, Dewey and Malaria among other things, seems it would influence value a bit, maybe?
Yes obviously - I said on the stampless (or meant to say on the stampless) - I suppose the letter in the Cuba may add asome but probably not more than maybe $25 to $50.