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(FA eBay) Quality Roman Imperial Bronzes, References, and More

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8 Quality Roman Imperial Coins
Reference Materials

and more.

Ending Sunday!

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Numismatic highlights:

Licinius I, 11 Nov 308 - 18 Sep 324 AD, Bronze Follis, RIC VII 15, near Mint State, weight 3.9 g, maximum diameter 22.7 mm, Nicomedia mint,
313 - 317 AD; OBVERSE: IMP C VAL LICIN LICINIVS PF AVG, laurete bust right; REVERSE: IOVI CONS - ERVATORI, Jupiter standing left, chlamys across left
shoulder, leaning on sceptre, Victory on globe in right hand, eagle holding wreath to left, N/epsilon in right field; Exergue: SMN.
Nearly fully silvered. Lovely centering and details!


City of Rome Commemorative, 330-333 AD., Bronze AE3, RIC VII 187, Extremely Fine, weight 2.0 g, maximum diameter 18.3 mm, Thessalonica mint,
OBVERSE: VRBS ROMA, helmeted bust of Roma left, wearing imperial mantle; REVERSE: Romulus and Remus suckling from she-wolf, two stars above;
Exergue: SMTS(epsilon). Beautiful dark green patina with great surfaces, centering, and superb details!


City of Constantinople Commemorative, 330-331 AD., Bronze Follis, RIC VII 246, Choice Extremely Fine, weight 2.3 g, maximum diameter 16.7 mm,
Lyons mint, OBVERSE: CONSTAN - TINOPOLIS, helmeted bust of Constantinopolis left, wearing imperial cloak with reversed spear; REVERSE: Victory
standing left on prow, holding spear and shield; Exergue: (dot)PLG. RARE - RIC R2. Mint state for wear, with just a trace of a light strike on obverse
left shoulder and at P of reverse mintmark. Outstanding portrait and details - a lovely coin!


City of Rome Commemorative, 332-333 AD., AE4, RIC VII 542, Choice Extremely Fine, weight 1.93 g, maximum diameter 14 mm, Trier mint,
OBVERSE: VRBS - ROMA, helmeted bust of Roma left, wearing imperial cloak; REVERSE: She-wolf standing left, suckling twins; above, two stars;
Exergue: TR(dot)S. Flan crack, lovely portrait, details and centering.


City of Rome Commemorative, 332 AD., AE4, RIC VII 257, Extremely Fine, weight 2.29 g, maximum diameter 13 mm, Lyons mint,
OBVERSE: VRBS - ROMA, helmeted bust of Roma left, wearing imperial cloak; REVERSE: She-wolf standing left, suckling twins; above,
two stars; Exergue: (dot over crescent) PLG. RARE – RIC R2. Great details and centering for this rare issue.


City of Rome Commemorative, 332-333 AD., AE4, RIC VII 547, Extremely Fine, weight 2.30 g, maximum diameter 14.5 mm, Trier mint,
OBVERSE: VRBS - ROMA, helmeted bust of Roma left, wearing imperial cloak; REVERSE: She-wolf standing left, suckling twins; above, two stars;
Exergue: TRS(star). Lovely centering and details, bit of a flat strike on right obverse, sharp strike on reverse!


City of Rome Commemorative, 333-334 AD., AE4, RIC VII 561, Extremely Fine, weight 2.05 g, maximum diameter 15 mm, Trier mint,
OBVERSE: VRBS - ROMA, helmeted bust of Roma left, wearing imperial cloak; REVERSE: She-wolf standing left, suckling twins; above, two stars,
laurel branch in between; Exergue: TRS. Nice details and centering.


City of Constantinople Commemorative, 330-331 AD., Bronze Follis, RIC VII 530, Choice Extremely Fine, weight 2.84 g, maximum diameter 16.5 mm,
Trier mint, OBVERSE: CONSTAN - TINOPOLIS, helmeted bust of Constantinopolis left, wearing imperial cloak with reversed spear; REVERSE: Victory
standing left on prow, holding spear and shield; Exergue: TRS(dot). Extremely large flan, minor flan crack. Nearly full circle strike, excellent
details and centering. Lovely!

John C. Knudsen, LM ANA 2342, LM CSNS 337
SFC, US Army (Ret.) 1974-1994


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