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Any Laker courtside fans, you keep wondering who they are?

There's a few that stick out...

-There's a guy about 5 or 6 seats down from the lakers bench, towards center court. He wears a yellow laker shirt, and gets up all the time, clapping them on. His wife/girlfriend? wears a black leather laker jacket.

-There's an asian lady that sits down a few seats from Jack Nicholson. And an older woman sits next to her, right near the visiting bench. Must be long time season ticket holders. Friends of Nicholson, or completely unrelated?

It's also interesting, there's always some hot woman behind Phil Jackson, whenever the camera zooms in on him. Always a nice cleavage shot like clockwork. I guess guys dont like sitting behind him. Or the TV producers like the angle of the shot.

Any other courtside laker fans you know of, or any stories?


  • bman90278bman90278 Posts: 3,453 ✭✭✭
    I'm sure people have seen this guy at Laker games and NBA games all over the county. I met him while doing a movie at his house several years ago. image

    Check out his website, he has a house that has been in many many movies and it shows lots of articles about him and the NBA. I know I had seen an article on ESPN in the past that said he was the Worlds Biggest NBA fan. Also, he's actually NOT a Lakers fan and roots for the Clippers and any other team that plays the lakers.
    Linky to the NBA biggest Fan
  • ROCKDJRWROCKDJRW Posts: 1,330 ✭✭✭
    all I see at courtside is Phil drawing up a play.
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