Good ancient coin book?

I did a search here for several variations of "ancient coin book" and found nothing! So I guess I'm the first one to ever ask for an opinion here on a good ancient coin guide!
I would like to collect some ancients, so I need to learn a bit and understand how they are valued, as well as learn about fakes. I notice that anything ancient that interests me if closer to $100 or more then the usual $10-$50 I spend on my nicer coins.
I did stumble upon that fellows site that attributes ancients (last name start with an s) from some other threads here. He also has books, but the publish dates on them are very old. Maybe not so much has changed in ancient collecting since the 60's?
I would like to collect some ancients, so I need to learn a bit and understand how they are valued, as well as learn about fakes. I notice that anything ancient that interests me if closer to $100 or more then the usual $10-$50 I spend on my nicer coins.
I did stumble upon that fellows site that attributes ancients (last name start with an s) from some other threads here. He also has books, but the publish dates on them are very old. Maybe not so much has changed in ancient collecting since the 60's?
New coins listed monthly!
Josh Moran
CIVITAS Galleries, Ltd.
As noted the Sayles book are good general starter books.
Adolf Hitler
100 Greatest Ancient Coins (Harlan J. Berk, 2008)
Van Meter The Handbook of Roman Imperial Coins is a nice guide to the ID of Roman coins. It gives a rough guideto the value/rarity of them, and it is cheaper than many of the others, much cheaper.
Adolf Hitler
Chicolini: Mint? No, no, I no like a mint. Uh - what other flavor you got?
The one I refer to most often, but it is a bit pricey is:
Vagi, David
Fitzroy Dearborn, 2000, 2 volumes, 656, 638 pages, well illustrated, valuations.
I ordered the first volume by Sayles on amazon. I'll start there and try another book or two if I get sucked in
<< <i>Van Meter The Handbook of Roman Imperial Coins is a nice guide to the ID of Roman coins. It gives a rough guideto the value/rarity of them, and it is cheaper than many of the others, much cheaper. >>
WNC Coins, LLC
1987-C Hendersonville Road
Asheville, NC 28803
Two new books from Whitman Publishing (to be released later in 2008) are Collecting Ancient Greek Coins (Paul Rynearson) for beginning and intermediate collectors, and the Guide Book of Overstruck Greek Coins: Studies in Greek Chronology and Monetary Theory (David MacDonald) for more advanced students.
<< <i>Two new books from Whitman Publishing (to be released later in 2008) are Collecting Ancient Greek Coins (Paul Rynearson) for beginning and intermediate collectors, and the Guide Book of Overstruck Greek Coins: Studies in Greek Chronology and Monetary Theory (David MacDonald) for more advanced students. >>
Sounds interesting, I'll keep an eye out!
WNC Coins, LLC
1987-C Hendersonville Road
Asheville, NC 28803