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Old Coin ID

Can any one identify this old coin? Coins are dark so scans are not very clear. Coin is copper or bronze a bit smaller than a U.S. Nickel. Obvers side has what might be a short crown with a large I C in the center. Reverse side has a cross with a bar at each of the four ends of the cross. I think that I can read R E X as part of the inscription on the reverse.


  • DesertRatDesertRat Posts: 1,791

    << <i>Can any one identify this old coin? Coins are dark so scans are not very clear. Coin is copper or bronze a bit smaller than a U.S. Nickel. Obvers side has what might be a short crown with a large I C in the center. Reverse side has a cross with a bar at each of the four ends of the cross. I think that I can read R E X as part of the inscription on the reverse.
    imageimage >>

    I may be way off here, but on first glance it has a Byzantine look to it.
  • BlackhawkBlackhawk Posts: 3,899 ✭✭✭
    Sardinia maybe?
    "Have a nice day!"
  • i had one of these once-- puzzled me for years. finally it got identified as a c. 1519 italy states coin (milan maybe) struck under Joann, the "Mad Queen" of Spain (may have her name wrong though)
  • DesertRatDesertRat Posts: 1,791
    see? I told you I'd be way off! image
  • Found one on coinarchives.
    Like coachleonard said, Joann the Mad, but Naples.
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