Canada cent folks: what have I got here?

This was in a bag of misc. foreign stuff I was recently given. Most of it was recent Mexican coins. This was by far the neatest thing in there... but I have no idea about it's rarity or value. Is it just a neat old Canadian large cent, or is it something more? Any information will be most appreciated. Thanks in advance.

When in doubt, don't.
The Canadians are pretty conservative in their grading, so I'd call that one an F-12, which was valued at $20 (Canadian) in the 2006 Charlton catalog. Mintage was 1-million in 5.67g of 95% pure copper. (VF-20 was listed at $35 if you want to be more liberal in the grading.)
Thanks Satootoko -
You'll need to click the Catalog button in the upper left corner then select ‘Canadian Coins and Rolls’ from the menu at left.
I have this destination saved as a favorite and it gets me directly to the pricing pages - but for some reason when that link text is used in an embedded link it only gets me to their main page, they must be doing some sort of redirection.