Huge world coin collection went on sale May 19th online...
I received the following information in an email and thought I would pass it on to whomever might be interested here.
For Immediate Release: May 19, 2008
Contact: Dr. Lawrence J. Lee 402-488-2646
Huge Private Collection of World Coins
Begins On-line Sale May 19
Massive collection assembled over 40 years
(Lincoln, NE)—One of the largest private collections of world coins
ever assembled goes on sale at fixed prices beginning May 19, 2008.
The C. B. Dodge Collection, containing almost 120,000 world coins,
tokens, medals and paper currency, from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe, will
be offered for fixed prices on the website of Dr. Lawrence J. Lee.
"The collection is so large that it may take more than a year to
fully list all of the different lots," Lee says. "If you ever wanted
to get a huge leg up on collecting the type coins of any single
country, the Dodge Collection is your chance to buy a pre-assembled,
representative type collection from virtually any nation in the world."
Assembling this massive collection was the life-long passion of the
late Charles "Bud" Dodge of Red Cloud, Nebraska, (1930-2006). As a
world traveler in the U.S. Navy from 1947-1980, Chief Petty Officer
Dodge quietly began putting together a collection of different coin
designs from every country in the world. His passion eventually led
to a mammoth collection that includes numismatic material from over
230 different countries and political entities.
Family spokesman Ralph Epp noted that "Uncle Bud" was very modest and
low-key about the size and scope of his collection.
"No one in Red Cloud even knew he collected coins, let alone that he
had that many coins in his house," Epp says.
An advanced collector, Dodge personally identified and graded
virtually every single piece in the collection, including typing the
information onto the envelope or coin holder of many of the coins. He
had 440 coin albums custom-made by Dansco to house his world type
collection, and another 70 double-row boxes of coins to hold his date-
run sets of coins from specific countries. Some coins have been
slabbed, but most are still in Dodge's 2" x 2" holders or in the
original mint packaging. Portions of the collection may be viewed in
a slide-show format at
The Dodge family has been working with Whitman Publishing in
photographing many of the coins prior to this sale. The color images
will be used in the next edition of the Catalog of Modern World Coins.
"The first coins to be listed and sold are from 55 different
countries that were or still are part of the British Empire," Lee
says. "This includes 60,000 coins from Australia, Canada, England and
Ireland, as well as many smaller protectorates and former British
colonial countries."
Lots are organized by country, and within the country, sorted into
groups of coins, medals or tokens. World currency will be offered in
smaller lots. For example, the Canada token section will include
virtually a complete set of Municipal Trade Tokens (MTTs) from that
country dating from the 1950s to 2004--1,600 different, fully
described pieces, offered as a single lot for a set price.
The collection contains thousands of different silver coins. For
example, there are 120 different Egyptian silver commemoratives dated
from 1956 to 2004 that will all be sold as a single lot.
There is no printed catalog or price list for the Dodge collection.
"The web-site will be the catalog," Lee says. "The Dodge family has
priced these coins very modestly, particularly given the strength of
the coin market. We expect these large lots to sell rather quickly."
The Dodge Collection will be available beginning May 19 at beginning with coins of the British Empire.
Future lots will include groupings from Asia, Europe, Latin America
and other regions.
For additional information, contact Dr. Lawrence Lee at P.O. Box
6194, Lincoln, NE 68506, telephone 402-488-COIN (2646), or email him
For Immediate Release: May 19, 2008
Contact: Dr. Lawrence J. Lee 402-488-2646
Huge Private Collection of World Coins
Begins On-line Sale May 19
Massive collection assembled over 40 years
(Lincoln, NE)—One of the largest private collections of world coins
ever assembled goes on sale at fixed prices beginning May 19, 2008.
The C. B. Dodge Collection, containing almost 120,000 world coins,
tokens, medals and paper currency, from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe, will
be offered for fixed prices on the website of Dr. Lawrence J. Lee.
"The collection is so large that it may take more than a year to
fully list all of the different lots," Lee says. "If you ever wanted
to get a huge leg up on collecting the type coins of any single
country, the Dodge Collection is your chance to buy a pre-assembled,
representative type collection from virtually any nation in the world."
Assembling this massive collection was the life-long passion of the
late Charles "Bud" Dodge of Red Cloud, Nebraska, (1930-2006). As a
world traveler in the U.S. Navy from 1947-1980, Chief Petty Officer
Dodge quietly began putting together a collection of different coin
designs from every country in the world. His passion eventually led
to a mammoth collection that includes numismatic material from over
230 different countries and political entities.
Family spokesman Ralph Epp noted that "Uncle Bud" was very modest and
low-key about the size and scope of his collection.
"No one in Red Cloud even knew he collected coins, let alone that he
had that many coins in his house," Epp says.
An advanced collector, Dodge personally identified and graded
virtually every single piece in the collection, including typing the
information onto the envelope or coin holder of many of the coins. He
had 440 coin albums custom-made by Dansco to house his world type
collection, and another 70 double-row boxes of coins to hold his date-
run sets of coins from specific countries. Some coins have been
slabbed, but most are still in Dodge's 2" x 2" holders or in the
original mint packaging. Portions of the collection may be viewed in
a slide-show format at
The Dodge family has been working with Whitman Publishing in
photographing many of the coins prior to this sale. The color images
will be used in the next edition of the Catalog of Modern World Coins.
"The first coins to be listed and sold are from 55 different
countries that were or still are part of the British Empire," Lee
says. "This includes 60,000 coins from Australia, Canada, England and
Ireland, as well as many smaller protectorates and former British
colonial countries."
Lots are organized by country, and within the country, sorted into
groups of coins, medals or tokens. World currency will be offered in
smaller lots. For example, the Canada token section will include
virtually a complete set of Municipal Trade Tokens (MTTs) from that
country dating from the 1950s to 2004--1,600 different, fully
described pieces, offered as a single lot for a set price.
The collection contains thousands of different silver coins. For
example, there are 120 different Egyptian silver commemoratives dated
from 1956 to 2004 that will all be sold as a single lot.
There is no printed catalog or price list for the Dodge collection.
"The web-site will be the catalog," Lee says. "The Dodge family has
priced these coins very modestly, particularly given the strength of
the coin market. We expect these large lots to sell rather quickly."
The Dodge Collection will be available beginning May 19 at beginning with coins of the British Empire.
Future lots will include groupings from Asia, Europe, Latin America
and other regions.
For additional information, contact Dr. Lawrence Lee at P.O. Box
6194, Lincoln, NE 68506, telephone 402-488-COIN (2646), or email him
Collecting coins, medals and currency featuring "The Sower"