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ever 'lose yourself' in your coins?

I find myself looking at my coins more........no scratch that......studying my coins more. Studying their strike, artistry, what the engraver was trying to tell us, the historical aspects and the quality of their production for the time they were made. Every time I look at one of my Crowns, I lose myself in it's ability to hold my attention, and notice nuances that i'd never seen before.

What coins are able to hold your attention, and that you never tire of looking at?

For me, I look at a Crown and notice a few things: the ability for Pistrucci to convey the masculinity of St. George, but not doing so in a overtly sexual way that would offend the Victorian sensibilities. The way the Royal Mint was able to get the design to strike up so well, and the way every detail of the design was so thoroughly thought out. How the rims of the coin are so very sharp and well struck compared to many US and other world coins at the time and how the coin seemed to convey a great sense of classical artistry, without being gaudy or overdone. All of these things can certainly enhance collecting I think, once we get down and really examine our coins for what they are............



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