Minster Cathedral Fire of 1829

Whoever ran York Minster Cathedral back in 1829 had quite a flair for marketing with the sale not only
of burnt timbers from the fire but commemorative medals as well. The medal shown seems to have been
encased in some sort of glass (now a vivid orange on the reverse) within a pair of engraved silver(?) rings.
The reverse ring and obverse glass are missing.

of burnt timbers from the fire but commemorative medals as well. The medal shown seems to have been
encased in some sort of glass (now a vivid orange on the reverse) within a pair of engraved silver(?) rings.
The reverse ring and obverse glass are missing.

British Historical Medals https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipOBxKspf6DVpvjgXptTKSr_tZcyeWIRJRBX7ZklmSP59IKhtiAkgF2NB0-Vxyhz1w?key=OGdSRXJtZWdsb2VodmNEdWJ4VF9jY01YdmJtRTlB
Conder Token Gallery https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMCiunai6NjOxoo3zREkCsAnNm4vONzieO3u7tHyhm8peZmRD_A0MXmnWT2dzJ-nw?key=Rlo2YklUSWtEY1NWc3BfVm90ZEUwU25jLUZueG9n
Conder Token Gallery https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMCiunai6NjOxoo3zREkCsAnNm4vONzieO3u7tHyhm8peZmRD_A0MXmnWT2dzJ-nw?key=Rlo2YklUSWtEY1NWc3BfVm90ZEUwU25jLUZueG9n
but it's possible, with the tinted glass, that someone suspected it was gold. I bought it as a
silver medal but I believe it's white metal.
Conder Token Gallery https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMCiunai6NjOxoo3zREkCsAnNm4vONzieO3u7tHyhm8peZmRD_A0MXmnWT2dzJ-nw?key=Rlo2YklUSWtEY1NWc3BfVm90ZEUwU25jLUZueG9n
Interestingly, Barber & Cattle (not sure about North) were successful silversmiths
in York and even issued their own silver tokens during the period 1811-1813.
Here's an example:
Proud (but humbled) "You Suck" Designee, February 2010.