SOLD: 1921 Peace Dollar, check out the reverse toning on this one

This coin was body bagged for the light scratch on the obverse and rim problem, but would look good in a Dansco.
Price $150 plus $10.00 shipping/insurance in USA. Paypal ok, but add 2.5%. Will also trade for silver.
Ten day return priviledge, less shipping.
Forum and trade references available on request.
==Looking for pre WW2 Commems in PCGS Rattler holders, 1851-O Three Cent Silvers in all grades
Successful, problem free and pleasant transactions with: illini420, coinguy1, weather11am,wayneherndon,wondercoin,Topdollarpaid,Julian, bishdigg,seateddime, peicesofme,ajia,CoinRaritiesOnline,savoyspecial,Boom, TorinoCobra71, ModernCoinMart, WTCG, slinc, Patches, Gerard, pocketpiececommems, BigJohnD, RickMilauskas, mirabella, Smittys, LeeG, TomB, DeusExMachina, tydye