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FSH: Bearded Goddess, Draped Bust Dime and Halves, Seated Dollar & MS65RD 2-Cent

Many of the following coins have been in my collection for several years and have been great tools to study and learn about their history.
Now I wish to pass their history on to other collectors (like you) who wish to enjoy them as much as I have. There will be a no questions asked, 7 day
return on any coin(s) you are not satisfied with. I will also update this list after every inquiry or sale to avoid confusion.
Please PM me if you are interested in any coin below.

For a payment method, I will take Check, Money Order, or PayPal (provided 3% addition to final cost).
All coins will be shipped fully insured through the USPS and the cost of this is already included in the price of the coin.

This first coin is the famous 1807 Bearded Goddess O-111a (R5) Capped Bust Half Dollar. This variety (O-111a), as I have researched, comes up for sale half
as many times as its counterpart O-111b. I find it to be on the much rarer end of the R5 scale with an estimated 40 or so in existence. The grade on this coin,
as confirmed by several Bust Half specialsts, has come to the overwhelming concensus of F-12 (Dick Osburn told me it could get F-15, but a solid F-12).
(The image picks up a lot more ticks and such that don't show up in hand.) Sell for $1250 (Another dealer is selling a VF-20 for $3900!!!)

This next coin is a raw 1803 (O-101 R3) Draped Bust Half from my Bust Half Date set. Grade-wise, this coin is a solid F-12 and is almost completely problem
free. The only issue is some tiny surface friction and wear (a thin scratch is seen in the image and only barely visible in hand); not something that would
keep it from holdering, if that's what you plan on doing with this coin. Priced to Sell for: $350

This coin is an 1807 Draped Bust Half which is very close to full VF-20 condition; weaker obverse striking than reverse. The coin is totally original, crusty,
and problem free. Priced to Sell for $400

New Addition: 1822 Bust Quarter B-1(Sorry, not the 25/50image ). This coin has solid G-4 details, maybe slightly stronger, but the rims are wearing into the fields a little bit.
This coin, if holdered, should still make it into a G-4 holder. This date is also relatively scarce in the Bust Quarter series. It has one of the lower mintages of just 64,080.
Compared to other coins in this series, this is one of the last bargain coins around. Priced to sell for $125

My next two coins are an 1807 Draped Bust Dime in NGC PO-01 (1 of 5 graded at NGC) and an 1847 Seated Dollar in NGC PO-01 (unique to NGC, unsure about PCGS).
This is about as low a grade as they come while still being able to read the date. I'm sure that you will not find another 1847 Seated Dollar that is worn down this much
and still be able to read the date, let alone another Seated Dollar that is this worn. These are both fun coins to have because they have survived through time and stayed in great shape doing that.
I am selling each of these for $375 or the pair for $725.

The last item I'm selling is actually not before 1850, it is not silver, and it is not below the AU-58 grade.
This next coin is one of my favorite coins I have ever purchased. It is an 1865 2-Cent piece graded MS-65RD by SEGS. I know that SEGS does not get the
greatest reputation from dealers and collectors, but this coin is truly an awesome coin. It exhibits original Red surfaces with NO splotchy brown spots, something
that shows up on many "RD" designated coins currently in NGC and PCGS holders. You will not be disappointed in this coin.
Priced to Sell for $800 HOLD


  • STONESTONE Posts: 15,275
  • Sunshine Rare CoinsSunshine Rare Coins Posts: 2,327 ✭✭✭✭✭
    bump for nice coins
  • STONESTONE Posts: 15,275
    TTT Monday Morning Crew

    Willing to deal.
  • PM sent.
  • fishteethfishteeth Posts: 2,258 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I love that bearded goddess, if I wasn't in a self imposed time out from buying coins I would be all over that.
  • STONESTONE Posts: 15,275
    A few sold, a few left.

    Let's see what Tuesday can bring...


    First up is a nice raw 1834 Capped Bust Quarter from my Type Set. Grade-wise it is a solid AU-50 coin (maybe slightly better), but with the spotted toning
    on the obverse I am pricing this below AU price. This date has a relatively small mintage of 286,000, and is still seen as a bargain among early federal
    coinage. Bust Quarters are going to become immensely popular in the near future with the issue of two or three new Bust Quarter books.
    Sell for: SOLD

    Here's another early Capped Bust Half Dollar from 1827 (O-119 R4). This coin is really as good as its image shows it to be. It was originally graded AU-58
    and then cracked from either a PCGS or NGC holder for my type set; I can't recall and have subsequently returned the paper holder.
    Priced to Sell for SOLD

    This last Capped Bust Half (1826) was the first AU Bust Half I ever bought and was the original Bust Half in my Type Set. The variety of this coin is an O-118a,
    with a reverse die crack at the top of D STATES. This coin is problem free, although the fact that it is so white makes me think is could have been dipped in the
    past, but I see no hairlines from being messed with. Priced to Sell for SOLD
  • STONESTONE Posts: 15,275

    I've lowered the prices on most of the coins remaining, and I'm still willing to deal with you.
  • STONESTONE Posts: 15,275
  • You have to love the Goddess!
  • STONESTONE Posts: 15,275
    Thanks guys for the comments, but these coins are still 4-Sale.

    I will take offers on these coins if you want and I am willing to trade for bullion.
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