Deckle Edge - need help on how to judge the grade

I just bought a small collection of 1969-1970 cards including two 69 Ryans although I think they are a 6 and 5 so nothing tremendous...still neat cards. Included were a bunch of Deckle Edge cards (6 Mays and 3 or 4 Rose and Yaz) but looking at the pop report it looks like the most frequent grade on these is a 6 so I wondered what people think is the hard part about scoring a higher grade... is it the obvious of just more corner/edge wear with the die-cuts or is it something else I should be looking for. I'd show some scans but I just got the stuff 20 minutes ago and it's sitting in my car until I get home from work and can really dig into this stuff (that's always a fun feeling knowing you have a stack of new (old) cards to look through)...
Anybody with experience grading these successfully...
Anybody with experience grading these successfully...
OK, Charlie, it's been nine years. Can we see the scans? (Seriously, I just started picking up some '74 Deckle Edge cards and had some questions myself. There is surprisingly little in the archive.
Maybe he works really far away from home.
bobsbbcards SGC Registry Sets
I can contribute that it took a long time to find the Bowa and Fisk ( not Bob) in white back
Bowman Baseball -1948-1955
Fleer Baseball-1923, 1959-2007