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Deckle Edge - need help on how to judge the grade

I just bought a small collection of 1969-1970 cards including two 69 Ryans although I think they are a 6 and 5 so nothing tremendous...still neat cards. Included were a bunch of Deckle Edge cards (6 Mays and 3 or 4 Rose and Yaz) but looking at the pop report it looks like the most frequent grade on these is a 6 so I wondered what people think is the hard part about scoring a higher grade... is it the obvious of just more corner/edge wear with the die-cuts or is it something else I should be looking for. I'd show some scans but I just got the stuff 20 minutes ago and it's sitting in my car until I get home from work and can really dig into this stuff (that's always a fun feeling knowing you have a stack of new (old) cards to look through)...

Anybody with experience grading these successfully...


  • BaltimoreYankeeBaltimoreYankee Posts: 3,041 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Charlie9 said:
    I'd show some scans but I just got the stuff 20 minutes ago and it's sitting in my car until I get home from work

    OK, Charlie, it's been nine years. Can we see the scans? (Seriously, I just started picking up some '74 Deckle Edge cards and had some questions myself. There is surprisingly little in the archive.

  • bobsbbcardsbobsbbcards Posts: 3,254 ✭✭✭

    Maybe he works really far away from home.

  • bishopbishop Posts: 2,917 ✭✭✭

    I can contribute that it took a long time to find the Bowa and Fisk ( not Bob) in white back

    Topps Baseball-1948, 1951 to 2017
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