Ground balancing problems at the beach

I went to the beach the other week and took along my DFX. I had a bigfoot coil on it and thought for sure I would have a good run with it. I walked out onto the beach and turned on the detector and proceeded to put it in jewelery/beach mode. I went to ground balance and the air balance was fine but when I tried to put it on the ground to balance it wouldn't balance(I put the bigfoot at a 45 degree angle like I do on regualr land). I then tried laying the bigfoot flat on the ground and still no balance. I used it for awhile without it balancing properly and noticed that it was extremely erratic so I went back and put on my 9.5 coil. I thought that it was something with the bigfoot. I went back to the beach and I'll be daggumed if the 9.5 wouldn't balance either. Maybe I am missing something, not doing something right, or something....who knows... I hope someone does!! Any suggestions about this? Thanks in advance!
Set PAG at 2 and see if it works.
I wonder if a boat coming out of the harbor had a radar unit that was causing the problem?
I use the BigFOOT coil 90% of the time.
I work an area next to a Navy base and two harbors. I don't get much interference...most of the time.
I don't change programs. I use the same settings for turf, dirt and sand. I may bump up the PAG/sensitivity.
It goes from 1 to 4. And I have been running 4 this week on the damp/wet sand.
Good Luck