Home World & Ancient Coins Forum

A small giveaway. - Winner in the last post!

It's my 2-year anniversary on Darkside. Man, time sure flies. I'm truly happy to have met all of you (some even in person!) this side of the Light. This board somehow brought together some of the best numismatic minds on the web and I am glad to be a part of this community.

Giving away - what else?- an original crusty 8 Reales from Mexico City in VF condition. Rules are simple - post a coin that you love and tell us more about it and I'll randomly select the winner this Saturday!

Here's the prize:



Good luck and let's see 'em! image


  • While not the most amazing coin ever (It is a 1915 Ducat Restrike), it was my first big (for me) darkside purchase. It was the start of what I am now making a collection of small world gold coins. I also like it a lot because when I was in Austria, I couldn't find anything like this to buy, so ebay came through for me.


    Thanks for the contest too, thats a sweet 8R.
  • I like the design and a mintage of 1500.

  • I love my toned 1892 Proof ZAR Shilling.

    Unfortunately I don't have a photo of it but I hear that there's a crazy, camera weilding, coin loving, Vodka drinking madman coming to Ireland so hopefully he'll take a few snaps and do the coin justice. image
    The meaning of life ? I don't know but I am sure that coins have something to do with it.

    Zar's Ebay
  • The coins that I love the most are the "Resplandores", and it all has to do with the fact that when I was a little boy (8 to 12 years old) my grandmother Hermelinda used to go to my house in the evenings and sit on the front porch, she would tell me and my sisters stories about the Mexican Revolution, of how scared and poor everyone was back then, and how they did not have anything to wear or eat yet the few things they had were always stashed away hidden as fast as they could so that the revolutionaries would not steal them. Revolutionaries would take anything on their way including cooked food, copper and clay pots and pans, clothing and cooking utensils and definetely would not care if you were poor. They would scream and shout at the women it was all "por la causa" (for the cause).
    She grew up with her sister Natividad and their mother Ana and did not have a dad, my great grandmother Ana supported them by selling food on the corner of the street and by doing laundry and ironing for other people. They used to have a neighbor that would wear her gold earings and as soon as word got out the revolutionaries were in town she would remove them roll them up in her apron and head to grandma's house pleading my grandmother help her stash the apron in the tumbiriches (cactus looking plants). Many people got killed during the Mexican Revolution and many of those jewels and coins are still hidden, some have been found but many remain hidden, just last year an elder neighbor of us found a clay pot with a bunch of old coins, not knowing what to do with them he told his brother to take them to Mexico city to sell them, that was the last time he saw the coins, the so called brother came back empty handed with an elaborate story about how they were all worthless. Anyways, back to the story --there was this time when grandma showed us kids this huge silver coin she had saved from when she was a little girl, it was a "Peso del 7- 20" as she used to call it and she had saved it for a rainy day. I don't remember the date, however, I still remember the feeling of holding it in my hands. That coin was the very first time I ever held or saw a silver coin and I remember the moment as if it was yesterday, I guess to a kid a coin like that felt huge and heavy specially because the coinage circulating in those days were the nickel pesos, that coin was the most awesome thing ever, all white and heavy with a special ring to it. Grandma lit the spark in me about coin collecting and she is the reason I love resplandores so much, also grandma has passed away and I will always treasure her vivid stories with all my heart, specially her way of telling them almost as if she was living the moment once again. Here is one of those for a rainy day "Peso del 7- 20".




  • ajaanajaan Posts: 17,460 ✭✭✭✭✭
    One of my favorite coins, it is either this or one of my GB 1958 VIP Proof 1/2d. I must have looked through over 100 cased dollars and this is the most spectacularly toned one I've ever seen. The coin itself cost me $5.


    edited to add: photo by cosmicdebris

    'Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery'

    CU #3245 B.N.A. #428

  • TwoKopeikiTwoKopeiki Posts: 9,740 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Unfortunately I don't have a photo of it but I hear that there's a crazy, camera weilding, coin loving, Vodka drinking madman coming to Ireland so hopefully he'll take a few snaps and do the coin justice. >>

    You know it image
  • TwoKopeikiTwoKopeiki Posts: 9,740 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Jorge, that is a fantastic story! I can see why you have such passion towards the series.
  • RickeRicke Posts: 677
    nice giveaway!

    Here's min, along with a brief snip I wrote about it:


    This coin was struck during a short lived revolt against the Austrian Empire, as a reaction to policies set in place by Emperor Joseph II. The insurrection began in 1789 in Brabant, and quickly spread throughout the remaining provinces (with the exception of Luxembourg) . Early the following year, in January of 1790, the provinces met in Brussels and formed a pact which established themselves at the United States of Belgium. This coin was produced under that very authority.

    The revolution was short lived, however, with the death of Joseph II, who was to be replaced by Leopold II in November of that same year. Already facing deteriorating structure resulting from opposing factions, the United States of Belgium was rather quietly pacified by Leopold and returned to Austrian authority.

    Coinage from the United States of Belgium was issued only in 1790, in a variety of denominations. the 10 Sols were struck with two separate varieties - notable differences are found in the legend.
  • Don't enter me in your giveaway but allow me.......

    ..........to support what you said abot the great people on this forum.

    Knowing I am a theme collector a friend on this forum sent me this coin......... one I will always have!


    edit to add

    Soo sorry folks! I forgot those pics were so large
    Becoming informed but still trying to learn every day!
    1-Dammit Boy Oct 14,2003

    International Coins
    "A work in progress"

    eBay registered name:
    Hard_ Search (buyer/bidder, a small time seller)
    e-mail: wayne.whatley@gmail.com
  • There are alot of coins I really like, but there are two I could rever replace. Probably because I've kept them for 44 of my 54 years. They fascinated me then, and still do today. Of those two, the one I favor most is the Domitian Denarius. Thanks to lordmarcovan who pointed me in the right direction, I found some info about the coin.
    It is silver, with a portrait of the 12th of the 12 Caesars, announces the beginning of the Secular Games. Those games, what a sight to have seen.

    The photos are large since they were the first I ones I made for the forum


    A photo of the second (runner up)
    Remember, I'm pullen for ya; we're all in this together.---Red Green---
  • gummibeargummibear Posts: 786 ✭✭✭
    I started going after dark side gold back when it was $350 per ounce. I bought this Swedish 20 kroner for $175 with about ten others on ebay. I when I got it I noticed the odd line on the forehead. But hen forgot to examine it any closer. I sent the bunch in to ANACS ( I hadn't converted to PCGS at that time). They were taking longer than usual on the turnaround so I called to see what was happening with the order. They told me it was going to be a few more days. When it finally came and I was looking through the coins to see the grades (while still driving) imagine my surprise when I saw how they graded this one. I have since sold it. Anacs never said anything in the return to point out my good luck. My hats were off to them for noticing the error without me noting it on the submission.
  • WWWWWW Posts: 2,609 ✭✭✭
    This 1/4 Eagle was given to my father by his father as a graduation present, who in turn gave it to me before he passed.
    I have long since succumbed to the powers of the Darkside, but this US gold piece is where the coin bug first bit me.

  • image

    As a kid, my grandfather would give me and my brother and sisters each a silver coin when we'd come to visit. I recall having an envelope full of coins and a $2 bill that we had accumulated throughout the years, all gifts that my mother had put aside and saved for us. (pretty sure we'd have spent them on "kid stuff" otherwise).

    This Franklin is one of them. Although my grandfather isn't with us anymore, this is a memento of those days we spent together, and a key to the reason I collect today.


    Thanks for the giveaway, nice coin!
  • rah1959rah1959 Posts: 964
    Well....this one is easy for me...as the OP (2K) is responsible for my interest in these big historic coins.

    I never knew the historical importance of these 8 Reales until I won a similar giveaway last year. I read everything I could find on the history and usage of this mightly coin. How so many countries coinage is based on this coin and its fractionals...how this coin circulated in the early years of the infant country of America and how it was still legal tender long into the 19th century.

    I have fallen in love with these, it is would be a HUGE thrill to add another to my slowly growing collection! Would love to add a Mexico Mint example!

    Thanks 2K for the chance.

  • ASUtoddASUtodd Posts: 1,312 ✭✭
    My favorite coin would have to be my 1964 Roosevelt Silver Dime. I know this isn't a rare or hard to find item but it was my first silver coin found with my metal detector. I hope to pass this coin, along with metal detecting, off to my son and then his son, and his son, and so on down the line. Here is a pic. Thanks for the giveaway 2K!!!
  • BBQnBLUESBBQnBLUES Posts: 1,803
    WOW !! That's a generous giveaway !! Would **Love to win it......

    I completed a Mexico Type Set several years ago (Dansco # 7220).

    Now working on a Mexico Gold Type set & just need a nice 20 peso & 50 peso to complete image

    Here's a Gold 50 peso comm. I've had on my "want list" for awhile.. an interesting design:

  • Congrats! And, thanks for the chance.

    Love this one (Hogmouth):
  • 1jester1jester Posts: 8,637 ✭✭✭
    Lots of great stories and sweet coins here! Thanks, Roman, for the giveaway, and all of you for contributing.

    I have lots of favorites, but this one rises to the top because of what it symbolizes - the freedom of a repressed people, if only for a short time: 1831 ducat from Poland.


    Jester's Challenge #2


    "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you." -Luke 11:9

    "Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD: And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might." -Deut. 6:4-5

    "For the LORD is our judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our king; He will save us." -Isaiah 33:22
  • unknowncomicunknowncomic Posts: 945 ✭✭
    I don't know anything about these other than I like them.
    Molon Labe
  • robkoolrobkool Posts: 5,934 ✭✭✭✭✭
    It was given to me from my uncle who lives in Hong Kong as a wedding gift a few years ago...
    He worked for the stock market company in China, and thought this silver bar would be great, since I collected coins and other artifacts. It weighs just over 5 oz. and is .9999 fine silver. Kinda neat & kool piece of bullion to have, although its not a coin by any means.
    PM me if I should win this kool coin. Thanks...
  • dizzleccdizzlecc Posts: 1,113 ✭✭✭

    I still consider myself new to the darkside.

    I collect mainly based on attraction to designs. The above coin is a nicely toned Argentina.

    Thanks to all those that contribute to the forum. It is a benfit to the cause. I enjoy reading your posts.
  • olmanjonolmanjon Posts: 1,187
    As always 2K is always giving back to us. He is a very generous person with his 8 reales. I won an 8 and a 2 from him last year in one of his giveawys and they proudly sit in my collection now. I have so many favorite coins that I could not begin to pick just one of them. I n any case don't put me in your giveaway as someone else deserves a chance to get one of these beautiful coins. Thanks again, Olmanjon
    Proud recipiant of the Lord M "you suck award-March-2008"
  • baddspellarbaddspellar Posts: 270 ✭✭✭
    Sticking with the Mexico theme, here's an 1821 8 Reales struck at the Zacatecas Mint.
    1821 is celebrated as the year of Mexico's independence, although I believe Zacatecas remained loyal to Spain for one more year.
    I have a few Portrait Reales, but this is by far in the the nicest shape.

  • TwoKopeikiTwoKopeiki Posts: 9,740 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thanks for all the posts, folks! I'm going to select the winner shortly. There are some great coins in this thread and not only because of what they are, but the great stories behind them. image
  • BBQnBLUESBBQnBLUES Posts: 1,803
    It's GREAT to see all these Mexico coins come out of the woodwork guys... I'd love to own an 8 Reales for a "pocket piece".

    keeping fingers crossed image
  • ajaanajaan Posts: 17,460 ✭✭✭✭✭
    tapping foot, wait . . .


    'Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery'

    CU #3245 B.N.A. #428

  • TwoKopeikiTwoKopeiki Posts: 9,740 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Random number generator selected the number that was assigned to FilthyBroke!!!

    image Congrats FilthyBroke!!! image

    Please PM me your address and I'll have it out to you early next week.

    BBQnBLUES, please PM me your address, as well - I'll send you something worthy of a pocket piece image
  • BBQnBLUESBBQnBLUES Posts: 1,803

    << <i>BBQnBLUES, please PM me your address, as well - I'll send you something worthy of a pocket piece image >>

    THANK YOU Roman image PM sent image
  • Wow! That is an amazing coin, thanks for your generosity. Can't wait to see it in person. Sure looks great from your pictures.
    I appreciate your kindness, and just know that she'll have a good home.image

    PM sent, and thanks!!

  • StorkStork Posts: 5,206 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Cool giveaway and even better stories/posts image I enjoyed reading this one as I was catching up a tad.


  • Beautiful coins, and thanks for the extra one, too!!! Way too kind, don't you guys agree?

    Here's some quick pics-


    imageimage Thanks, TwoKopeiki!!! image
  • BBQnBLUESBBQnBLUES Posts: 1,803

    << <i>Beautiful coins, and thanks for the extra one, too!!! Way too kind, don't you guys agree?

    Here's some quick pics-


    imageimage Thanks, TwoKopeiki!!! image >>

  • I've been taking pictures this afternoon, but I can't seem to capture the coins as well as I'd like. The lighting isn't being friendly today.

    Here's a couple more pics-

  • TwoKopeikiTwoKopeiki Posts: 9,740 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm glad you like 'em, William!
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