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WINNER of the GIVEAWAY for the 2008 Raw ASE with 2007 Reverse is...

MilesWaitsMilesWaits Posts: 5,322 ✭✭✭✭✭
Thanks again to all of you that entered in my GIVEAWAY!!
I appreciate that some of you may have held back due to your good fortune in finding these elusive Reverse of 2007's; kudos to your consideration.
With an educated guess of $388.77..... TROOPER IS THE WINNER; as the charts Jesse graciuosly ran show the Average for the past two weeks is $388.34 (guess there is hope for the 70's).
PM me Trooper and I will arrange shipment of the RAW 2008-W Reverse of 2007!
I continue to appreciate the guidance many of you on this forum have given me in the pursuit of a fun collection that keeps my interest.

Best Regards,

Thanks to all of you that added to my enjoyment of this forum that includes my recent discovery of 10 of 10 2008 Reverse of 2007 Silver Eagles in my recent MINT shipment!! WOW.
So, with the Nine I will keep, I want to GIVEAWAY One RAW 2008 ASE with 2007 Reverse to the person that:

Guesses the average sold price in Auction and Fixed Price listings (based on Jesse's (jessewvu) 2 week chart (with the keywords "2007 2008 reverse"). These charts are automatically generated.
Whoever is the closest in average price wins.... and the tiebreaker will be:
The current weight of our Two-Year old Chihuahua, 'Tupac', in ounces.
I have added an attached photo. Our Golden Retriever is too many ounces.

The chart will be generated on Monday, May 19th between 6 and 9 PM by Jesse!! The winner will be announced shortly therafter.

Under "Auction and Fixed Price Metrics" in the charts, the number appears as "Avg. Sold Price" and the last number generated on May 12th was $327.97.
So, guess the number of the "Avg. Sold Price" of the 2008 2007 Reverse, auto generated on May 19th...... the closest person to the number wins! One person, one guess.

All guesses to be in by SATURDAY NIGHT, May 17th 11:59pm EST to keep it fair. (Day Edited from Sunday to insure equal challenge!)

Good Luck and Gracias to all!

UPDATE**** Jesse says he will be running the NUMBERS this evening at 5pm EST and I will announce the WINNER soon therafter! ****** UPDATE


Now riding the swell in PM's and surf.


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