Unknown Ancient Gold Coin, any ideas what it is?

This is part of a long story, but I don't want to pollute any responses yet with that info. So, does anyone have any idea what this coin is? I have not seen it in person and sorry, no picture of the other side, but it is suppose to be made out of gold. Any info or ideas would be appreciated, I will tell the story in a couple days (some here may actually know where this came from, I am not sure.) Thank you! Rob

Do you know how big it is?
Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, "Meditations"
Apparently I have been awarded one DPOTD.
<< <i>
Do you know how big it is? >>
Slightly bigger than a penny
It is very possible that the coin is a hoax, the story behind it is questionable. This was the answer from a first time poster on another board: "That coin is VERY close in resemblance to the tribal coins that were stamped before and during the bronze age of Britain. The markings would represent a particular tribe so the gods could distinguish the size of each tribes offerings. "
I have no idea if that is true or not. Any one else have any ideas? I will post some links to the story behind it tomorrow for anyone interested. Thanks, Rob
<< <i>Do you know how big it is?
Slightly bigger than a penny
Now, why didn't I notice that cent picture there before?
<< <i>"That coin is VERY close in resemblance to the tribal coins that were stamped before and during the bronze age of Britain. The markings would represent a particular tribe so the gods could distinguish the size of each tribes offerings. " >>
Um, unless your informant knows something the rest of us don't, the "Bronze Age" was before coinage was invented. If there were actually Celtic artefacts that looked like this, they'd be votive offerings and not "coins" in the normal sense of the word. When Celtic Britain began making coins (at or after 150 BC - well into the Iron Age), they made imitations of Greek coins.
If anything, the cross looks Dark Age Byzantine or Byzantine imitative - Vandals, Visigoths, Duchy of Benevento, something like that. Bot all of those normally have Latin text around the cross... I don't see any trace of it here. Unless it's been clipped away?
Unless it's just a button...
Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, "Meditations"
Apparently I have been awarded one DPOTD.
Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, "Meditations"
Apparently I have been awarded one DPOTD.