Nikon D60 w/ Macro lens w/ extras for trade???

I have a NEW USA Model Nikon D60 w/ Panagor Manual 90mm Macro Lens for trade.
Shot about 50 pics and it went in the cabinet. It will also come with 8gig SDHC Memory.
1 extra Battery. Would consider 3 sets of 2006 20th Anni. Silver or ??? This camera
set-up will be all you need for your coin macro photography. Will also accept money offer.
Will post pics later.
Shot about 50 pics and it went in the cabinet. It will also come with 8gig SDHC Memory.
1 extra Battery. Would consider 3 sets of 2006 20th Anni. Silver or ??? This camera
set-up will be all you need for your coin macro photography. Will also accept money offer.
Will post pics later.