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Ebay bidder question- He actually has the bb's to send me a message!!

Has anyone ever had a bidder take one of your auctions past the reserve price then a day later cancel because he said that he entered the wrong price? I had a guy do that, after five consecutive bids and canceled. The problem I have with it is that now everyone knows what the reserve price is and ruined my chance of selling the coin for more money. Am I being greedy? Do I have a right to be pissed? -Dan


  • ormandhormandh Posts: 3,111 ✭✭✭
    Here is the link to my auction. ebay auction
  • wybritwybrit Posts: 6,972 ✭✭✭
    It's a common practice, it's irritating and yes, you have a right.
    Former owner, Cambridge Gate collection.
  • ASUtoddASUtodd Posts: 1,312 ✭✭
    I'd ding him on it, reason being is this , "Bid retractions (6 months): 14 ". 14 in 6 months? He's doing it on purpose.
  • ormandhormandh Posts: 3,111 ✭✭✭
    How do you know that he has had 14?
  • ASUtoddASUtodd Posts: 1,312 ✭✭
    Go into Bid history and then click his name. It will show you.... Here is the Link.
  • MacCrimmonMacCrimmon Posts: 7,058 ✭✭✭
    Report him to eBay and block him immediately.image
  • ormandhormandh Posts: 3,111 ✭✭✭
    Thanks. I have already blocked him, but I will let ebay know also. -Dan
  • JCMhoustonJCMhouston Posts: 5,306 ✭✭✭
    Block him from bidding on your auctions, and no reason not to let other people know the bidder ID so they can do the same.
  • ASUtoddASUtodd Posts: 1,312 ✭✭
    How about letting us know his full name. With Ebay's stupid new policies I can't see his full ebay ID. I'd like to add him to my block list. Thanks!
  • ormandhormandh Posts: 3,111 ✭✭✭
    varietyxpress. Check out his me biography. -Dan
  • 1960NYGiants1960NYGiants Posts: 3,505 ✭✭✭✭
    Nice looking 1854 St George 1d

    Life member #369 of the Royal Canadian Numismatic Association
    Member of Canadian Association of Token Collectors

    Collector of:
    Canadian coins and pre-confederation tokens
    Darkside proof/mint sets dated 1960
    My Ebay
  • ormandhormandh Posts: 3,111 ✭✭✭
    Thanks, Gene. I just realized that I forgot to add that it is the .W.W incuse on the truncation. Doh!!!! -Dan
  • ormandhormandh Posts: 3,111 ✭✭✭
    My coin did not sell for the reserve. I got this message from the retractor. My response is the last paragraph. LOL.

    Wow, that was really stupid of you to block me from bidding. I retracted my original bid because it was too high, but I had just tried to put in a bid at the last minute which would have more than met the reserve. I also wanted to buy the Irish 10 shillings proof coin. Oh well... your loss.

    Screw you!!! I could care less that you were going to buy my coin. Who do you think you are? 14 retractions in 6 months? what a douche bag. I am going to raise hell with ebay about you.

  • ormandhormandh Posts: 3,111 ✭✭✭
    Here is his reply to the last message:

    14 retractions is not a big deal, relatively speaking, since I've bid on nearly a thousand items in that period. Most of the retractions are because I later noticed some fine print in the listing which changed the entire circumstance. A couple were because I had realized my initial bid was too high. In the case of your coin, I initially bid $110, but then realized that was almost twice the book value, so I retracted and wanted to bid $90 at the end of the auction. There was nothing malicious in it, and you can raise hell all you want. The retraction was stated as "entered wrong amount".. if I can't do that, then why does eBay give that option? Answer me that.
    And "douche bag" is what I usually call people.

    But seriously, I'm willing to put all that aside. If you still would like to sell the two coins, I'm still willing to buy. It's up to you.

  • ormandhormandh Posts: 3,111 ✭✭✭
    How would you react?
  • ormandhormandh Posts: 3,111 ✭✭✭
    Yet another message from this guy. I just wish I knew which accounts he was referring to

    -Ok, well what goes around comes around time 2. I'm blocking you from two other accounts I use, where I sell bulk lots of better coins. You've won 2 past auctions on one of them, but never again.
    Hopefully you'll learn not to be nasty and ignorant... it only leads to less business.

  • MSD61MSD61 Posts: 3,382
    Dan I'd still block him as he will only be trouble down the road. If this was only the first time to retract a bid I'd let it go
    but 14? People make mistakes sometimes when bidding but after a few times you'd think they'd get it right. To me he sounds
    like someone who will drive your bid up and then win the item only to try to negotiate a lower price than what it was
    won for.

    BTW, the cameo on that proof ten shilling is brilliant! Cameos that deep on these coins are far and few between.
  • ormandhormandh Posts: 3,111 ✭✭✭
    Thanks for your insight! it is not taken lightly. - dan
  • BailathaclBailathacl Posts: 1,042 ✭✭✭

    The guy is out of line. He thinks it's ok to retract bids because he later reads something in the auction he doesn't like, or because he later finds out that the book value is below his bid? Excuse me, isn't the time for that before you pull the trigger on a bid? A frequent seller and thousand-plus bidder knows this well. Block him, forget him, move along, I'd say.

    "The Internet? Is that thing still around??" - Homer Simpson
  • ormandhormandh Posts: 3,111 ✭✭✭
    Here is the last email which I sent to this guy. Pardon the typos.

    You have no integrity. If someone were to do this to one of your auctions, I think, you would be the first to call them out. If I really were the winner of one or more of your auctions, it was because I really wanted the coin. I did not win it by any other way than to bid what I felt was what I was willing to pay. I won it fair and sqaure. You are an ahole for bidding on my auction five times in a row and 24 hours later recanting your bid. I have every right to put a reserve on my auction. I put that reserve knowing that I will recoup the cost and any profits that I should want off of the coin. Basically selling it for what I want to sell it for. The buyer decides whether he or she wants to buy it for. You screwed it up by finding out what I was selling it for and letting evryone know that price by finding my reserve price then canceling your bid. That cancellled bid gave my auction a negative, whether you know it or not. You scared off some bidders because they figured that you canceled your bid for a reason such as the coin was not described as such. My guess is that you do know that and you use this tactic frequently. I have a right to be angry. I will find out all of your ebay seller identities( if you actually have more than one) and will complain to ebay for the problems that you have caused me.
  • Your repeated replys just encourage them.
    "It is good for the state that the people do not think."

    Adolf Hitler
  • ormandhormandh Posts: 3,111 ✭✭✭
    How is that?
  • ormandhormandh Posts: 3,111 ✭✭✭
    Explain to me why I should not voice a problem that I have with someone. If I say nothing then it would encourage him. If I make it a problem for him, then it is no longer my problem. I disagree with you.
  • ormandhormandh Posts: 3,111 ✭✭✭
    There is nothing more that this guy could do to me that he has already not been done. I do not want to cause trouble, but I will not stand for anyone taking advantage of me. I guess I have used this forum as an outlet to vent my anger, and will stop with this sentence. Sorry, to all for the negative energy that this post has produced . I feel much better though. Thanks for listening. imageimage
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