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2007 Sweet Spot Classic Mystery Cuts Ship This Week

Good things come to those who wait.

So, by extension, those who wait a long time can expect something really, really good. How's a Sweet Spot Classics Mystery Cuts autograph sound?

Collectors have anxiously been checking their mailboxes for nearly a year after pulling a redemption card from this popular program. Finally the wait is over, as the cards begin shipping this week.

A company source says Upper Deck held back on releasing the cards in the product to ensure the checklist was strong and that due diligence was performed to authenticate all the signatures.

After the product released, Upper Deck began scouring the country for the best quality names possible. After acquiring these historic autographs, they were sent to James Spence Authentication to be reviewed and be confirmed as genuine articles. During the process, Upper Deck and the staff at James Spence Authentication were concerned when finding many of the autographs procured did not pass the strict process.

"While we are sorry there were delays tied to this promotion, it is extremely important to us that collectors are getting the real deal," said Joe Fallon, Upper Deck director of product development. "The celebrity autograph market has a tendency to have a much higher rate of fraudulent items than the sports autograph market, so it is necessary to take the time to confirm the authenticity of these items. Collectors can rest assured that any Upper Deck card featuring cut signatures of deceased celebrities has been rigorously reviewed by the best experts in the industry."

Packs of 2007 Sweet Spot Classic Baseball are currently available in most hobby stores and many exchange cards for these rare "Mystery Cuts" are still available for lucky collectors to find, either in the product or on the secondary market.


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