Conversation with local shopkeeper lands me in it!

I was talking to a local shopkeeper about coins and he said he had a few Manx crowns did I want them?
Like a idiot I said yes I would take the lot.
Today I go into the shop and he says I have those coins ( all at £51 face value ! ), over 200 crowns are heavy!
I now have a pile of them, oh well should be fun sorting them.
Like a idiot I said yes I would take the lot.
Today I go into the shop and he says I have those coins ( all at £51 face value ! ), over 200 crowns are heavy!
I now have a pile of them, oh well should be fun sorting them.
Tony Harmer
Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, "Meditations"
Apparently I have been awarded one DPOTD.
This would be to Tony or anybody else that could answer such...
BTW, I remember being at the ANA some five or so years ago and Pobjoy had huge piles of copper--nickel crowns that backdated quite a few years & not too many takers & maybe these are some that you found??
Well, just Love coins, period.
There is nothing exciting but it is fun checking them!
Well, just Love coins, period.
I think all of the issues you asked about were issued in sets and the odd coins found in circulation ( I have one or two !) are from these that have been broken open. Why the 5p appears more often is a odd one, I not sure of the reason.
I have a feeling that some other years may be scarce but not sure which (ie. 1980s issues) and some were and some were not issued in sets - the 1987 viking on horseback one pound is an example that at one time was scarce but seems not so much now - I wonder how many bags of such are sitting around??? Also, I have noticed that as hard as Krause tries it is difficult for them to list each type and how many were made as there are such huge numbers of these coins available albeit sporadically. For example I have this last month gotten that same viking on horseback in silver and have seen even a piedfort specimen offered out of either Italy or France & one from Switzerland (unsold at their crazy prices of about 100 USD).
Well, keep us posted & let me know if you find any of the 1 P coins from 1973 or '74 as these are the only ones I lack.
Well, just Love coins, period.