Thank You to a forum member

A special thanks to laurentyvan for the books in his recent give away. They came today.
The larger book is in French, and I will be reading it on my flight to New York City next week. Luckly I read & speak French.
I am running a large coin show here in Albuquerque this weekend, and will be out of town for two weeks, but when I return I will have a give away for something interesting.
Thanks again to laurentyvan,
The larger book is in French, and I will be reading it on my flight to New York City next week. Luckly I read & speak French.
I am running a large coin show here in Albuquerque this weekend, and will be out of town for two weeks, but when I return I will have a give away for something interesting.
Thanks again to laurentyvan,
I like Ikes!! But I especially like Viking Ships, Swedish Plate Money, and all coins Scandinavian.

It annoys me that I cannot enter book giveaways due to the prohibitive shipping costs.