Dr. Richard Doty covers this piece in his text on The Soho Mint and the Industrializaton of Money. He estimates that 138,000 (net) pieces ended up at the island with several times that returned to Britain. There are proofs floating about as well.
Here's a nice unc. that I didn't manage to win at the Noble (Australia) July 2007 auction (hammer $440A).
Here's a nice unc. that I didn't manage to win at the Noble (Australia) July 2007 auction (hammer $440A).
Conder Token Gallery https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMCiunai6NjOxoo3zREkCsAnNm4vONzieO3u7tHyhm8peZmRD_A0MXmnWT2dzJ-nw?key=Rlo2YklUSWtEY1NWc3BfVm90ZEUwU25jLUZueG9n
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