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1922 Peace old ANA slab MS63...FOR SALE HERE

**This will be going to ebay tonight unless I get an offer on it**

Down to the very last coin...all the rest have sold. Thanks to all those who bought and bid and hope you enjoy the coins. image
Link to my main BST thread

Coin #19: 1922 Peace ANA MS63...$45 OBO PRICE REDUCED
Very attractive lustrous surfaces and some nice toning.

aka Dan


  • DJCoinzDJCoinz Posts: 3,856
    Sold one of the 2 peace dollars yesterday, any takers on the 1922? It's very nice in hand with great luster...$50 OBO.
    aka Dan
  • DJCoinzDJCoinz Posts: 3,856
    image The two on ebay are ending tonight...still taking offers on the 1922 peace.
    aka Dan
  • DJCoinzDJCoinz Posts: 3,856
    image This will be going to ebay tonight unless I get some offers on it...
    aka Dan
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