Home Buy, Sell & Trade - Stamps

Trade my Stamps for minerals, gemstones, and ???

I don't collect stamps anymore and I'm willing to trade them. I'm very much into minerals and gemstones, old documents, or what have you? I have perfins, precancels, airmails, revenue, plate blocks, a bit of everything. The oldest regular issue I have is Scott#65. Let me know if interested and what you're looking for. I have plenty of scans.
References: Multiple deals with cohodk. Also PQPeace, LordMarcoVan,


  • have much old documents, stock certs, civil war, deeds and such. Only interested in pre 700 good stock. ? what do you think. Some very nice stuff I think, sold some for up to 300 a peice, like to dump it all, we'll see!
  • You can message me on 503.862.7586 and I can send you pics of the minerals/rocks that I've got

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