Looking for a replacement for APMEX

I'm looking for a site that has Britannias in various dates. I use to do business with Apmex but not any longer. What are a few good site to get Britannias besides Flea-Bay?
PCGS Currency: HOF 2013, Best Low Ball Set 2009-2014, 2016, 2018. Appreciation Award 2015, Best Showcase 2018, Numerous others.
They are quite a bit cheaper than APMEX for Britannias and delivery charges are very reasonable.
It's almost impossible to find any silver Britannias offered without a good premium over spot.
An order has already beenplaced. Let's see how fast they are.
Thanks for the info!
Pendragon and I have already done some business. We may be doing some more.
FYI, as a side note, I would never personally buy from them, as their business model of ripping people off does nothing positive for the hobby.
<< <i>I'll let you all know what happens with my order. >>
I'll bet you anything you receive your order; and i also bet that it will be free from cleaning defects. I wouldn't think they would clean new bullion type coinage as it doesn't make sense. My comments are toward the other stuff they frequently advertise, ranging from US pennies to dollars, mostly "classic" older US coinage. Also, they have world coinage often; I do recall sometime back that Dan (Coinpictures) bought some darkside coins from them a couple years (or so, if i recall), and they were basically overgraded/cleaned crap for the money. I'm sure he can correct me if i'm remembering it wrong.
Good luck!
<< <i>Thanks for the heads up Doogy! I was going to bookmark them for future Britannia purchases but after hearing that... I think I'll delete that bookmark. Thanks for looking out for us!
Todd >>
Glad to help, Todd! I wish i the one thread i was thinking about is still around, but understandly it went POOF! Two or three CtoC clients (victims) were so enraged at the coins they received, and the "service" they got, they were cussing a blue streak (okay, not literally, but they were fighting mad). here is a good thread, 5 pages of people that got hosed by these guys at one time or another
click here
I have ordered only Britannias from them (three times in a little under a year) and have had no problems.
In the future I will be wary of them.
<< <i>I received the order today from Coast to Coast. No problems. >>
Good! i didn't figure you'd have any problems buying new Mint products; its everything else i'd steer clear of. glad to hear it went well!