Sede Vacante (vacant seat) medals issued by a couple of the subordinate officials that kept the papal states running between the death on one pope and election of the next. These are pretty early for this series and are a nice pickup.
Always interested in St Louis MO & IL metro area and Evansville IN national bank notes and Vatican/papal states coins and medals!
A couple of nice Sede Vacante medals there (btw, your first image is upside-down).
The first medal was issued during the Sede Vacante of 1758 for Monsignor Marco Antonio Colonna (MARCVS ANTON COLVMNA). He was the Prefect of the Sacred Apostolic Palaces (S PAL APOST PRÆFECTVS) and Conclave Governor (CONCLAVIS GVBERNATOR).
The second medal was issued during the Sede Vacante of 1724 for Monsignor Carlo Collicola (CAROLVS COLLICOLA). He was the General Treasurer (THES GEN) and Prefect of Castel Sant'Angelo (CASTRI S ANG PRÆFECTVS).
An interesting sidebar on the 1758 medal is that the Camerlango (aka chamberlain and the chief official during the sede period) was Girolama Colonna. The Sede coins and medals have an almost identical coat of arms on the obverse I assume he was closely related to Marco.
The key design difference I see of the obverse design is the number of knots streaming from the hat: as a cardinal Girolama's coins/medals show 6 while Marco has only 4, appropriate to his subordinate rank.
Always interested in St Louis MO & IL metro area and Evansville IN national bank notes and Vatican/papal states coins and medals!
The first medal was issued during the Sede Vacante of 1758 for Monsignor Marco Antonio Colonna (MARCVS ANTON COLVMNA). He was the Prefect of the Sacred Apostolic Palaces (S PAL APOST PRÆFECTVS) and Conclave Governor (CONCLAVIS GVBERNATOR).
The second medal was issued during the Sede Vacante of 1724 for Monsignor Carlo Collicola (CAROLVS COLLICOLA). He was the General Treasurer (THES GEN) and Prefect of Castel Sant'Angelo (CASTRI S ANG PRÆFECTVS).
Virtus Collection - Renaissance and Baroque Medals
The key design difference I see of the obverse design is the number of knots streaming from the hat: as a cardinal Girolama's coins/medals show 6 while Marco has only 4, appropriate to his subordinate rank.