Ever wonder what happens to coins tossed into fountains

Well - I'll tell you, I have a friend who has a business that goes to all of the fountains in hotels and malls and recovers, sorts and cashes in the recovered coins and gets a percentage of the take from the various hotels and malls for which he performs this service.
Most of the hotels and malls donate this money to charities - however the world coins are considered junk and he just throws them into large coffe cans - I recently went through one of those cans and salvaged the following coins - for free! Nothing fancy but I'm amazed at the number of countries represented. (by the way, there was also a large quantity of French coins that I have put into 2x2's so they are not pictured)

Miscellanious World coins:

IRISH coins:

Various Philippean coins:

Various South American coins:

Most of the hotels and malls donate this money to charities - however the world coins are considered junk and he just throws them into large coffe cans - I recently went through one of those cans and salvaged the following coins - for free! Nothing fancy but I'm amazed at the number of countries represented. (by the way, there was also a large quantity of French coins that I have put into 2x2's so they are not pictured)

Miscellanious World coins:

IRISH coins:

Various Philippean coins:

Various South American coins:


It's also obvious they didn't spend long in the fountains, at least not in fountains that have the kind of water we have here! You'd have had some crusty critters, otherwise!
<< <i>That larger one might be Japanese 5 yen. I can't see it well in the pic. >>
That's what I was going to say.
1898 $10 US gold piece
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8 Reales Madness Collection
You're right, it is.
Date is year 31 (1956) with what looks like a doubled date.
And the die crack on the corner isn't too bad either.
Of course, it is a 5 Yen, but the rest is just an april first haha thingy. ;-)
The other holey coin is a Lebanon 1 piastre.
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True so true - almost all are modern decimal issues. I was suprised how many there were though, must be a lot of Irish tourists around.
<< That larger one might be Japanese 5 yen. I can't see it well in the pic. >>
You're right, it is.
Date is year 31 (1956) with what looks like a doubled date.
And the die crack on the corner isn't too bad either.
How in the world did you spot that form that small crowded picture? Good eye! ....oh I get it April fool ...yeah that's it heh heh
Neat story!
<< <i>Saints be praised that all the Irish coins are decimals and a stinking euro and no pre-decimal coinage at least as far as I can see.
I feel the same about the Irish Euro coins.... such a letdown.
Though I rather liked the decimal issues - The punt could have been thicker, with better relief (more like the 50 pence) but other then that, I really liked them
<< <i>Saints be praised that all the Irish coins are decimals and a stinking euro and no pre-decimal coinage at least as far as I can see
True so true - almost all are modern decimal issues. I was suprised how many there were though, must be a lot of Irish tourists around.
Shep >>
Actually Shep since Ireland went to the euro it's all Irish citizens can do with decimals now lol. My family that still lives in Ireland, my uncle especially, cusses
the euro each time he has to use them.