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Its Time for a Customized MPL PCGS holder.

ambro51ambro51 Posts: 13,871 ✭✭✭✭✭
OK. Just like the Prez dollars, with a clear edge view.

Why? Slabbing presently removes TWO key features of the Matte Proof Lincoln from view, The Wide Square Rims and the Mirror Edge.

...But OMG It would cost more !image

Yes, but, we are talking about PCGS making up, what maybe 10 thousand of this style slab, thats all they would ever need after all....its only moulded plastic....
Charge the reholdering fee, plus say, $5 for this special edge view slab.

Why NOT??


  • RBinTexRBinTex Posts: 4,328
    Sounds good to me.
  • lasvegasteddylasvegasteddy Posts: 10,408 ✭✭✭
    hopefully pcgs staff reads this as i think they should be in a presentation holder too capturing their square thick rims on these presentation pieces and re-introducing matte proof stated on the label...
    all mine would be off for reholder
    everything in life is but merely on loan to us by our appreciation....lose your appreciation and see

  • WaterSportWaterSport Posts: 6,856 ✭✭✭✭✭
    A complete series holder would also be cool!!!

    Proud recipient of the coveted PCGS Forum "You Suck" Award Thursday July 19, 2007 11:33 PM and December 30th, 2011 at 8:50 PM.
  • SteveSteve Posts: 3,312 ✭✭✭
    PCGS runs a business. If you really thought about it, there is no way they could do it cost effectively, AND if they did it for us, wouldn't they also have to do unique holders for all the other collectors? Now if any of you were willing to pay $100+ for each holder and as a group we went to PCGS with maybe a $10,000 or more special order, then, maybe they would consider it. IT IS ALL ABOUT THE MONEY.
    Just my honest opinion. Steveimage
  • commoncents05commoncents05 Posts: 10,093 ✭✭✭
    I don't even think they would need to change the slab itself, just the gasket on the inside.

    Many Quality coins for sale at http://www.CommonCentsRareCoins.com
  • ambro51ambro51 Posts: 13,871 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Or use a nickel holder with a different gasket.

    but egads I dont think it will be the financial nightmare of the century

    OR are they HIDING our Rims???
  • pennyanniepennyannie Posts: 3,929 ✭✭✭
    Now is a good time to redo the whole line. Incorporate some new anti conterfeit measures and make all the upgrades needed or wanted. The edges should be visible on all coins in my opinion.
    NGC registry V-Nickel proof #6!!!!
    working on proof shield nickels # 8 with a bullet!!!!

    RIP "BEAR"
  • I'm with you, Ted - I hope somebody actually reads this stuff in the PCGS intellectual property department....

    On the issue of a plastic holder for a MPL, or any other coin, it comes down to ‘cost’ versus ‘value’.

    As MPL collectors/investors, we spend [fill in large to very large number here] on a probable MPL, and are going to worry about a (maybe) $100 holder that shows off that coin in the best possible way, and may actually help authenticate the product? This goes back to my string about the certificate of authenticity – the same argument was raised – cost. What about value?

    That issue of cost seems to a good argument for cheaper coins maybe, but the Mattes are not exactly chump change. Why not offer the holder for people who are willing to pay? They would get a premium for their coins (much like a CAC sticker does in theory). The owner could choose the holder (or grading certificate) they want used for their particular coin. If the present holder or certificate description makes no difference to your coin type, then you simply elect the regular holder. If thousands of dollars differential (value) depend on whether the rim is square and shiny, or whether the product I purchase is RD, RB or BN, I would not mind paying for a holder in this particular case of very expensive coins that can be authenticated or described in a way that reflects the true value of my coin.

    And another variation of cost/value theme that gets me thinking. Can someone please tell me why MPL transactions completed in arms length private transactions and reported are generally not reflected in the PCGS (for example) value tables with high quality MPLs sold through private sales, and not through auction?

    Anybody? image
  • ambro51ambro51 Posts: 13,871 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I dont think this type of holder costs ANY more than the standard holder. But, it would show the rims and the edge, instead of hiding them. I ask you, why would it not actually make more sense to use this holder for matte proof lincolns as a matter of normal proceedure?

    Given this option, there would be a lot of re$ubmittals to PCGS< I know Id send mine off, for a regrade and "another thought at exactly what color designation to use" on a few.

    Id certainly prefer to have mine in the holder, why dont one of you fellows skilled in the art of photoshop pull one of these slab images and put in a matte in raw state into the opening, and see how it displays the rims.

  • You are so right. I just wrote a whole answer and then promptly deleted! Basically, costs being equal or close, I would think that any grading service would see this innovation as a no-brainer. Better looking holders that aid in a diagnosis. C'mon! Where are the patent attorneys when we need them image
  • pennyanniepennyannie Posts: 3,929 ✭✭✭
    PCGS needs to Step Up and do it for the FEES CHARGED NOW!! .It is not that big a deal. Should do this across the board with all series to some extent. What worked in the past no longer applies. They will have to address the growing concerns with the counterfieters shortly so they can incorporate this all at one time. Material cost to pcgs is just pennies to the bottom line.
    NGC registry V-Nickel proof #6!!!!
    working on proof shield nickels # 8 with a bullet!!!!

    RIP "BEAR"
  • Amen. Preaching to the choir image
  • CameonutCameonut Posts: 7,314 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think this is a good question for the Q&A forum. Might just wake it up a bit.

    “In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock." - Thomas Jefferson

    My digital cameo album 1950-64 Cameos - take a look!

  • ambro51ambro51 Posts: 13,871 ✭✭✭✭✭
    It seems like there is agreement that an edge view slab like the one for the Presidential edge lettered dollars would be proper for matte proof lincolns. I would add that the label designation should also be changed to read "Matte Proof", Not that there are any brilliant or other type proofs to set these apart from within the coin, but it would just be nice and carry a designation that would be informative image

    I am going to write an actual Paper, Ink and Stamp type letter to the powers that be within PCGS and make this suggestion.
  • Ambro-

    Thank you for taking your time to do that. I think that is a very generous gesture.

    Maybe we want to include some other suggestions from the other MPL strings that end up really helping the group, like having the "EA Multiplier" for RD RB and BN matte coins and 'authenticity certificates' written by experts (not auction house parties, with something to gain) (we can pay extra for fully describing the authenticated coins), if that's a catch. It's simply a take off of the 'CAC" and "PQ" idea, only with a better description.

    MPL live and die based on how they 'look' and are accurately displayed and described.

  • ambro51ambro51 Posts: 13,871 ✭✭✭✭✭
    ...lets not get carried away here...

    the edge view holder is logical and available so lets pose the question based on that.
  • Oops... image
  • DMWJRDMWJR Posts: 6,011 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I might be tempted to put all of my MS and PR Lincolns in holders that showed the edge at some point if the service was available. My concern is exposing my coins to contaminants in the process. Red Lincolns have delicate surfaces, whether they are MPL's early MS, and even late date memorials.
  • MPLunaticMPLunatic Posts: 617 ✭✭
    I agree, I hate not being able to properly see the rims, also what would be cool is if some sort of plastic lens could be used over the coin to magnify the coin so you could see it better. I know this sounds ridiculous but it would make it so much easier to see the diagnostics.
  • ambro51ambro51 Posts: 13,871 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Well. I have posted an actual paper, stamp and fountain pen type letter to Mr. Hall outlining this change of holder idea.

    I suggested that they make up a sample edge support slab with an MPL in it, and pass it around inHouse and see how they like it.

    Now, the question is, does PCGS *want* to see several thousand Matte Proof Lincolns, and probably some NGC crossovers to a better holder, all come in at once?

    Ill let you know the response!
  • SteveSteve Posts: 3,312 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    Ill let you know the response! >>

    It WOULD surprise me if you get ANY response to your letter, either from David Hall, Ron Guth or ANY staff. The reason I say this is this is the way they normally approach questions like what you ask. It may be that David and Ron never actually get to SEE your letter. From a customer service point of view this is all WRONG, but I think that they believe they are in the business of providing third party authentication and grading of coins and they don't want to deviate from that primary goal UNLESS it is PROFITABLE to PCGS.

    I hope I am wrong. Good luck with your letter and please let us know if you receive a response or if you do not.

  • DMWJRDMWJR Posts: 6,011 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>I agree, I hate not being able to properly see the rims, also what would be cool is if some sort of plastic lens could be used over the coin to magnify the coin so you could see it better. I know this sounds ridiculous but it would make it so much easier to see the diagnostics. >>

    That might be the best idea yet!
  • ambro51ambro51 Posts: 13,871 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think a lot of us already rely on little lenses....right in front of our eyes image
  • I share Doug's concern on exposure. This should be performed in a biotech 'clean' room, for that very reason.

    What are the conditions by which this procedure is performed now?
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