How do i post a link to photobucket?

Hey all, Can anyone please tell me how to post a link to my photobucket page? And what do i click on my toolbar here to provide such a link?
Thank's in advance, ozzysdad47
Thank's in advance, ozzysdad47

" I just checked in , Just to see what condition, My condition was in." Kenny Rogers and the 1st. Edition......
1. look at the bottom of your photobucket image and there are 4 boxes, click on the lower box (IMG code) and copy the text, you should be able to left click and it will pop up and say copied. Then put your cursor here and right click and select paste.
2. To link to a particlular image page, click on the second box which is Direct Link. The place your cursor where you want the link text: click the little button just above this text box that says http: then paste in the direct link address you copied before by right clicking and selecting paste.
You can use that with any web page address.
World Collection
British Collection
German States Collection
Many Thank's, ozzysdad47/ Brad....